Join our team of food packers at our warehouse in Vancouver, Canada! We are looking for responsible employees who are ready to pack and package various goods, including food, semi-finished products, vegetables, fruits and much more.
The work schedule is 8-12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. We value your time and try to provide flexible hours so that you can combine work with other responsibilities.
Pay is $25 per hour. In addition, overtime hours are paid at a higher rate. We appreciate your diligence and extra effort!
We provide free housing with good conditions for our employees. Couples stay separately to ensure comfort and privacy.
Lunch is provided at the workplace so that you can enjoy delicious and nutritious food without additional worries.
Required documents:
• Work Visa which we help to get.
• The presence of a passport.
We also accept no criminal record!
We have open vacancies in various fields of activity, and we are ready to consider your interest and select the one that matches your skills and preferences.