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Полипропилен, полиэтилен, дизтопливо, битум и т. д.

Обновлено: 24 сентября 2023, 05:42 ID: 1027
1 000 $/тонна
Условия поставки: FOB
Сафарова Н.Р., ИП Туркменбаши, TM
на Флагма с 12 мая 2020
Сафарова Назиля Рамисовна


Price on demand:
The high-density polyethylene brand Inpipe 100 is natural.
High-density polyethylene brand A4009MFN 1325.
High-density polyethylene brand T50-500 in 25, 50 kg. and big bag bags.
High-density polyethylene brand T60-475-119 at 25, 50 kg. and big bag bags, according to the price formula "ICIS", "Polyethylene Asia Pacific".
LH5072-03 polypropylene. O at 25, 50 kg. and a big bag according to the price formula "ICIS," "PP-homo rafia."
LH5088-25G polypropylene. O at 25, 50 kg. and big bag. bags.
POLYpropylene brand TPP D 30 S, etc. (polypropylene of all types produced in Turkmenistan)
Carbamide brand "B" (highest grade) in bulk (container at the expense of the buyer), 25, 50 kg. and big bag bags.
Iodine technical brand "A"
Auto-benzine brand A-80, A-92, A-95, Direct gasoline and brand 93 IVF-5 according to the price formula "Platts" "FOB Italy".
Hydro-cleaned diesel fuel of the EKO-5 brand (sort-F) according to the price formula "Platts" "FOB Italy".
BND 60/90.
20/80 liquefied gas,
K-354 carbon
Base SN-350 oil,
Oil brand M-100, Kerosene lighting brand KO-20, -Oil heating low-sulphur,
TS-1 aviation kerosene, Hydro-cleaned diesel fuel,
Total petroleum coke, Pumped Petroleum Coke,
Cotton-fiber type, Cotton refined oil 1 varieties,
Wool Doodle spring wash, and more.
We will also help you promote and sell your products on and off the Turkmenistan market and find the best customers!
You want to bid for the Turkmenistan Exchange!
We offer our services and become a representative of your company in Turkmenistan for the purchase of all kinds of goods and not only on the stock exchange, the experience is not small, there are broad, business and trust ties on the State Exchange of Turkmenistan, in ministries and with factories manufacturers, State Standard, Customs, Seaport (Turkmenbashi), Oil refineries Seydi, Turkmenbashi, and other organizations.
Participation in the bidding, buying the lot at your request, processing all documents and sending the goods to the customer.
At the auctions of the State Commodity exchange of Turkmenistan are sold:
Refined Petroleum;
- Portland cement PS 500-G0;
- Colorless sheet glass;
Glass bottles;
- Cotton fiber;
-Textile products and other products of light industry, etc.
You buy goods without intermediaries from the Manufacturer and the State Exchange of Turkmenistan. ((Carbons (Gas of any brand, ECOTC1, diesel fuel, bitumen, polypropylene, polyethylene). Textiles, etc.).
Do you want to bid for the Turkmenistan Exchange?
That we can:
1. Register your company as soon as possible on the Exchange to bid.
2. To bid confidentially only on behalf of your companies.
3. Collect a package of documents from all government agencies and speed up the process for loading and shipping your goods.
4. Monitor the loading process and track the cargo for safe delivery to the recipient's destination.
Representative in Turkmenistan on Petroleum Products Liquefied Gas 20/80, Iodine Technical Brand "A," Technical Carbon Brand K-354, Oil Base SN-350, Oil Brand M-100, Kerosene Lighting Brand KO-20, Direct gasoline, Fuel heating low-sulphur, Aviation kerosene brand TS-1, Hydro-cleaned diesel fuel, Autobenzine brand A-80, Carbamid brand "B" the highest grade, Total oil coke, Polypropylene, Pumped petroleum coke, Cotton-fiber type, Cotton refined oil 1 grade, Wool. Representing your interests on the Turkmenistan Stock Exchange, a broker of your company.
There is experience.

Наиболее свежая информация находится у владельца объявления.
Сафарова Н.Р., ИП Туркменбаши, TM
Работает на Флагма с 12 мая 2020
Сафарова Назиля Рамисовна
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Написать сообщение
Сафарова Н.Р., ИП Сафарова Назиля Рамисовна, предприниматель
Полипропилен, полиэтилен, дизтопливо, битум и т. д.
1 000 $/тонна ID: 1027
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