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Resumes in Waterloo

10 resumes


  CA$ 6,000
Full name hidden, 19 years old, Almaty, KZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Waterloo, any schedule
No work experience.
2 February 2024
Sychycov S., 32 years old, Waterloo  |  Higher education
full time, part time
No work experience. Education: БРУ, автоматизированные электроприводы, Могилев 2014 - 2020.
13 November 2023
Full name hidden, 38 years old, Waterloo  |  Secondary education
any schedule
No work experience.
18 September 2023
Норкобилов Шахзод
Норкобилов Ш., 42 years old, Shurchi, UZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, Waterloo, Montreal, Vancouver, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Коика, Сварщик кемпинг полуавтомат, токарь , Ташкент 2018 - 2018, Добрый день Мне нужна работа. Я гражданин Узбекистана я хочу работать в Канаде. Разнорабочий сварщик с сертификатом, водитель B, С, помощник, производства, упаковка, завод, фабрика и многие разные. Желательно прямой работодатель которые сможет...
Норкобилов Шахзод
11 July 2023
Нестеренко Ю., 47 years old, Kitchener  |  Higher education
6 km, Waterloo, Toronto, London, Guelph, full time
No work experience. Education: КНЕУ, юрист, Киев 1995 - 2000.
30 May 2023


  CA$ 20
Full name hidden, 36 years old, Waterloo  |  Higher education
full time
No work experience. Education: Buchats’kyy Instytut Menedzhmentu Ta Audytu, Buchach, Ukraine, Audytu and oblik , Buchah 2007 - 2010.
13 April 2023
Aнфалов А., 52 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
93 km, Waterloo, Ottawa, Mississauga, Kitchener..., full time
Work experience: 9 mo., Transcriber, LXT, Mississauga. Education: Crimean Agrotechnological University , PhD in Economics , Simferopol' 2003 - 2005.
9 January 2023

Food service

  CA$ 17
Mielieka D., 24 years old, Waterloo  |  Higher education
willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Crew member, McDonald’s , Ukraine. Education: Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Bachelor degree, Mykolaiv 2018 - 2022.
5 December 2022

Food Service

  CA$ 16
Тетерятникова А., 24 years old, Waterloo  |  Higher education
looking for job in Waterloo, Toronto, full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Cashier, McDonald’s , Nikolaev. Education: МНУ имени В.О.Сухомлинского, Прикладной лингвист, Николаев 2017 - 2022.
5 December 2022
Neschotniy D., 30 years old, Zlín, CZ  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Waterloo, willing to relocate, full time
No work experience. Education: ZNU, Technical Specialist in Physical Science and Engineering , Zaporizhia 2014 - 2018, Specialist in computer systems and networks maintenance.
13 October 2019
Within the radius of 2650 km from Waterloo
Andriienko V., 30 years old, Szczecin, PL  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Toronto, 93 km, Hamilton, Oshawa, Kitchener, Kingston..., any schedule
Work experience: 9 mo., Работник склада, AMG Concord, Хмельницкий. 1 year, Менеджер по продажам, AMG Concord, Хмельницкий. Education: МАУП , Менеджер туризма, Хмельницький 2011 - 2015.
2 June 2024


Singh A., 34 years old, Calgary  |  Secondary education
2642 km, Calgary, Charlottetown, Abbotsford, Cambridge..., any schedule
Work experience: 4 years, Welder, Pondera industries , Russia, Hello, my name is Amritbir singh I am from India, working now russia , I like to so much working there Canada I have a Experience 7-8 year for welder, I accept your any salary. Thanks.
26 March 2024
Максименко Евгений Сергеевич
Максименко Е., 52 years old, Zaporizhia, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, 93 km, Laval, Kitchener, full time
Work experience: 15 years, Инженер снабжения, мастер участка, ООО "реклама", Запорожье. Education: ДИСТ, инженер-механник, Донецк 1991 - 1997.
Максименко Евгений Сергеевич
6 May 2021
Овчаренко А., 39 years old, Abay, KZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Kitchener, 6 km, Kamloops, any schedule
Work experience: 5 years, Водитель большегрузного автомобиля, ТОО АРХЕЙ 2006, Караганда.
30 April 2024
Shalimova O., 28 years old, Kitchener  |  Incomplete higher education
6 km, any schedule
Work experience: 2.5 years, Accountant cashier, Citrus , Kharkiv. Education: Национальная фармацевтическая академия при университете , Аналитический контроль химических и медицинских соединений , Харьков 2016 - 2018.
23 August 2023
Full name hidden, 32 years old, Cambridge (Ontario)  |  Higher education
20 km, Cambridge, any schedule
17 April 2024
Yakubishina O., 42 years old, Cambridge (Ontario)  |  Higher education
20 km, any schedule
Work experience: 5 mo., HR Generalist, Dieter Metal Fabrication , Cambridge. 4 years, HR Generalist, Xan Systems Inc, Newmarket. Education: York University, Human Resources Management , Toronto 2018 - 2020.
31 January 2024
In Canada
Романюк М., 31 years old, Warszawa, PL  |  Higher education
looking for job in Montreal, willing to relocate, full time
No work experience. Education: ИФНТУНГ, Інженер з видобування нафти і газу, Івано-Франківськ 2011 - 2016.
8 hours ago
Сорокин Андрей
Сорокин А., 27 years old, Kharkiv, UA  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, 93 km, willing to relocate, full time, part time
Work experience: 3 years, Пехотинец, Армия, Украина, Потерял правую руку, выше локтя во время боевых действий. Сейчас протезируюсь бионическим протезом, он выполняет много функций но но заменяет руку. Хочу найти работу предлагайте вакансии которые могут мне подойти, полный рабочий день . С переездом.
Сорокин Андрей
10 hours ago

Werhouse Worker

  CA$ 20
Hashem A., 34 years old, Ottawa  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 1 year, Senior Executives, Factory, Bengal Group of Industries Ltd., Dhaka. Education: University of Dhaka, Management , Dhaka 2016 - 2018.
1 day ago
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