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Resumes android developer in Toronto

12 resumes
Hranchak M., 26 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
any schedule
No work experience. Education: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Applied Economics, Kharkiv 2015 - 2019, My previous experience as a software tester has greatly contributed to the skills required for warehouse work. As a tester, I developed a keen attention to detail, analytical thinking, and the...
12 March 2024
Trofimova I., 24 years old, Minsk, BY  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, any schedule
Work experience: 11 mo., Sales Manager, courier-discount, Minsk. 1 year, Sales manager of complex technical equipment, Pnevmoteh, Minsk. 1.5 years, SMM, laser pro, Minsk, Personal Qualities: Communication skills: Ability to effectively communicate both within a team and with clients. Organization: Skillful in planning and time...
28 February 2024
Shevchenko S., 33 years old, Almaty, KZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, any schedule
Work experience: 10 years, Ceo / smm / video maker, Henry Show, Almaty. Education: Yaroslavsky Theater, actor , Yaroslavl 2011 - 2015, Good afternoon My name is Stepan Shevchenko. I have been developing in the field of content creation and promotion for almost 10 years. During this time, many products have been created for experts,...
26 February 2024
Stetsenko A., 21 years old, Toronto  |  Incomplete higher education
full time
Work experience: 2 mo., Children Animator, Oslavy Slovensko, Banska Bystrica. 2 mo., Inventory Associate, Store Invent , Banska Bystrica. 3 years, Model, Baby Photo Star, Kyiv. 1 mo., Bartender/Waitress, Slovakian Restaurant, Banska Bystrica. Education: University of Mateja Bela, international relationship, Banska Bystrica 2021 - 2023.
14 October 2023
Full name hidden, 51 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, London, Calgary, Vancouver, Winnipeg..., remotely
Work experience: 4 years, Адміністратор сайту, контент-менеджер, InkiShop, Київ. 3 years, PPC-спеціаліст (Google Ads), Таргетолог (Facebook ads), DveriBiz, Київ. 3.5 years, OpenCart (Wordpress, ModX, Joomla) Developer, Freelance developer, Київ. 3 years, IT Sales Manager, WebMaster, Київ. 2 years, Месенджер-Маркетолог | Messenger Marketing...
21 September 2023
Holovan K., 26 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Android developer, DonbassIT, Donetsk, Ukraine. Education: Donetsk national university , Computer science , Donetsk 2016 - 2022, I'm developer with experience working with a remote team. I am successfully working on a project to create a profile social network, observing all the deadlines, as well as listening to the...
7 June 2023
Сенченко М., 22 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
full time
Work experience: 2 mo., Loader, Marfish, Mariupol. 6 mo., Deputy Sales Manager, Marfish, Mairupol. 2 mo., Electrical Assistant, Electricial Company , Toronto. Education: Humber College, International Business Bachelor of Commerce, Toronto 2021 - сurrent time, Проживаю в Etobicoke.
23 March 2023


  CA$ 3,000
Lisnichenko V., 29 years old, Toronto  |  Vocational secondary
full time
Work experience: 1 year, Bartender, T-bone, Vinnytsia. Ukraine. 6 mo., Bar Manager, T-bone, Vinnytsia. Ukraine. 8 mo., Head Bartender, UAB "Taurakalnis", Vilnius. Lithuania. Education: Vinnytsia College of Arts Named After M. D. Leontovycha , Drama And Theater Actor, Vinnitsia 2013 - 2017, A responsible bartender who has the skills to work in...
22 March 2023
Zemlianskii G., 28 years old, Toronto  |  Vocational secondary
full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Administrative Assistant/Assistant to the Sales Manager, Shenzhen Jardin Intermediary Company Ltd, Shenzhen, China. Education: Technological College , Organization of catering services , Khabarovsk 2012 - 2017.
23 December 2022
Швец Д., 35 years old, Batumi, GE  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, full time
Work experience: 9.5 years, Директор, Megapolis invest development , Vinnytsia. Education: НАУ, Экономика , Киев 2011 - 2016.
29 April 2022
Пашков И., 28 years old, Minsk, BY  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec City, full time
Work experience: 6.5 years, CNC Operator, Miran company, Minsk . Education: MGCB, construction technician, Minsk 2012 - 2016, An adventurer, an innovator who loves his job and strives to know and do as much as possible. No bad habits, read books, learn English, play soccer.
2 February 2021
Кривчиков Н., 53 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, any schedule
Work experience: 6 years, Pattern maker CAD Lectra, GOLDI, Kiev. Education: KTILP, pattern maker, Kiev 1988 - 1993, In 1993 finished the Kiev technological institute of fashion industry (daily form of educating). Speciality is a designer-technologist-pattern-maker. 24 years of productive experience on the enterprises of the mass sewing. In...
21 January 2021
In Canada
Kuznietsova K., 21 years old, Calgary  |  Secondary education
any schedule
Work experience: 4 mo., Warehouse worker, EDC, Вендам, I am responsible and hardworking, always striving to complete tasks efficiently and on time. It is important for me to be useful to the company and support the overall team result. I learn quickly and am ready to adapt to new conditions and...
4 days ago
Gummetov Adil Eubovich

Developer JavaScript

  CA$ 4,500
Gummetov A., 42 years old, Vancouver  |  Higher education
any schedule
No work experience. Education: DGU, Physicist, RUSSIA 1999 - 2004.
Gummetov Adil Eubovich
11 days ago


  CA$ 15
Kovalenko P., 18 years old, Mississauga  |  Secondary education
willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience, I am a goal-oriented and responsible builder with initial work experience: I helped my uncle at a construction site, which gave me a good understanding of the processes and tasks in this area. I have high efficiency and attention to detail, which...
10 August 2024
Feyzullayev Farhad
Feyzullayev F., 53 years old, Baku, AZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in Ottawa, Quebec City, full time
Work experience: 2 years, Administrative manager, «Road Bredge Tunnel Construction» SRL , Chisinau. 1.5 years, Chief of Security, «Road Bredge Tunnel Construction» SRL , Chisinau. Education: Baku Higher United Command school , Operations Engineer , Baku 1992...
Feyzullayev Farhad
16 March 2024
Kriukov A., 25 years old, Calgary  |  Incomplete higher education
full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Construction Operations Coordinator, Energy Complect Construction Company , Moscow. Education: MIREA- Russian Technological University , Lawyer, Moscow 2017 - 2021.
9 March 2024
Borshch V., 23 years old, Edmonton  |  Higher education
any schedule
No work experience. Education: University King Danylo, Program engineering , Ivano-Frankivsk 2022 - 2024, I have a small agency with development web-site.
1 March 2024
Yakubishina O., 41 years old, Cambridge (Ontario)  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 5 mo., HR Generalist, Dieter Metal Fabrication , Cambridge. 4 years, HR Generalist, Xan Systems Inc, Newmarket. Education: York University, Human Resources Management , Toronto 2018 - 2020.
31 January 2024
Arkhipov V., 53 years old, Calgary  |  Higher education
willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 13.5 years, Director, Bloberry consulting incorporation, Calgary. Education: University of Lobachevskiy , Mathematics , Nijniy Novgorod 1987 - 1992, My email is and phone number is I'm interesting to work in Europe or remotely.
20 July 2023
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