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Real estate, construction, resumes in Winnipeg

8 resumes
Jagievi N., 41 years old, Winnipeg  |  Higher education
full time
Work experience: 2 years, Мастер керамики, Yaniv Israel, Ashqelon. 2 years, Мастер керамики и гипсокартона, Частным образом , Ashqelon. Education: Kutaisi Teaching University “Lampari”, Bachelor of physical education teacher and judo coach., Kutaisi 2007 - 2012, I am an effective performer, I can plan a large amount of work according to...
28 March 2024


  CA$ 3,900
Kulyniak I., 23 years old, Winnipeg  |  Vocational secondary
any schedule
Work experience: 2 years, Builder, Zlote rece, Lodz. Education: Turkiv Vocational Lyceum, Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, Turka (Ukraine) 2016 - 2019.
20 January 2024
Гушкашвили З., 59 years old, Winnipeg  |  Vocational secondary
any schedule
Work experience: 2 years, Арматурщик, разнорабочий, Польша, Украина, Краков, Одесса. Education: техникум , виноделие , Тбилиси 1984 - 1987, Серьезное пунктуальное выносливый трудолюбивый.
4 July 2023
Slakva V., 31 years old, Winnipeg  |  Higher education
willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 5 mo., Electrician, SafNet, Szczecin, Poland. 7 mo., Electrician, CLOUD SOFTWARE SERVICES, Weltyn, Poland. 2.5 years, Electrician, AttomENG, Szczecin, Poland. 1 year, Electrician, Win Solution, Szczecin, Poland. 3 years, Electrician, Zaporizhia Ferroalloy Plant, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. 2.5 years, Electrician, Semiconductor...
2 June 2023
Ярема Р., 20 years old, New York (New York), US  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Winnipeg, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 7 mo., Експедитор, Panatonni , Zielona Góra. Education: Львівське вище професійне училище інформаційно компʼютерних технологій , Механік 4 розряду комп діагностика , Львів 2019 - 2023, Активно шукаю роботу. Є віза CUAET.
30 April 2023
Паньшин С., 24 years old, Winnipeg  |  Secondary education
full time
No work experience.
22 March 2023
Makhmut I., 38 years old, Winnipeg  |  Vocational secondary
willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Строитель рабочий, стекон, Одесса. Education: Лицей , Столяр, Строитель , Одесса 2002 - 2003, Нуждаюсь бесплатное жильё хорошую работу нас 6 человек я жена и 4 детей.
26 February 2023
Yusupov A., 29 years old, Ottawa  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Ottawa, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Victoria..., any schedule
Work experience: 10 years, Плиточник, каменщик, кровельшик, Частный, Россия и Узбекистан, В строительные сфере любого работа могу сделать и быстро научусь. Я гибкий , на любую условия адаптируюс.
17 November 2022
Within the radius of 1510 km from Winnipeg
Zakirov Jakhongir Shakirovich
Zakirov J., 35 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, 1510 km, Toronto, Thunder Bay, any schedule
Work experience: 7 years, Водитель автопогрузчика, CONCRETE BLOCKS , Ташкент, Я умею делать сантехнику, электрику, ремонт квартиры и опытный водитель авто погрузчика.
Zakirov Jakhongir Shakirovich
3 January 2022
Zakirov Jakhongir Shakirovich
Zakirov J., 35 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, 1510 km, Thunder Bay, Toronto, any schedule
Work experience: 7 years, Водитель автопогрузчика, Concrete blocks, Tashkent.
Zakirov Jakhongir Shakirovich
1 January 2022
In neighboring regions


  CA$ 3,000
Иманбаев Р., 18 years old, Karagandy, KZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, 1510 km, willing to relocate, full time, part time
No work experience.
10 days ago
Машарипов А., 46 years old, Turtkul, UZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 6 mo., Сварщик электрик, NRJ, Ташкент. Education: Педагогический колледж, Бухгалтер, Турткуль 1998 - 1999.
12 January 2025


  CA$ 16
Slobodian I., 18 years old, Oshawa  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, 1510 km, any schedule
Work experience: 3 mo., Робітник, Budimex, Wrocław. 2 mo., Worker, Contractor , Toronto. 4 mo., Worker, Contractor , Leros.
11 January 2025

Building engineer

  CA$ 5,000
Serdar A., 40 years old, Mary, TM  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, 1510 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 3 years, Industrial & civil construction engineer, Ilk construction , Ashgabat. Education: TPI, Mechanical engineer , Ashgabat 2001 - 2005.
9 January 2025
Flores B., 23 years old, Spartanburg, US  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, 1510 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 3.5 years, General laborer, Greenville causality insurance, Greer, I have had three years experience at construction for this one local company. I do practically any job the boss asks for if it it's painting, framing, concrete, lumberjack or cleaning septic tanks I have done it all.
7 November 2024


  CA$ 4,000
Mbaya S., 31 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
1510 km, willing to relocate, full time
No work experience, Logistique, vente et marketing etc.
1 October 2024


  CA$ 6,000
Сітарський В., 22 years old, Milton  |  Higher education
looking for job in Oakville, any schedule
No work experience. Education: КФВ, Викладач , Івано франківськ 2017 - 2022.
18 August 2024


  CA$ 15
Kovalenko P., 18 years old, Mississauga  |  Secondary education
willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience, I am a goal-oriented and responsible builder with initial work experience: I helped my uncle at a construction site, which gave me a good understanding of the processes and tasks in this area. I have high efficiency and attention to detail, which...
10 August 2024
Tai Lam C., 29 years old, Toronto  |  Incomplete higher education
1510 km, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Installer swing stages, SSI-suspended stages, Toronto. 2 years, Supervisor, Worker, One Private Employer (Landscaping, Interlocking,Bricklaner), Toronto. 10 mo., Half Foreman/Worker, KB Waterproofing(Private empoloyer), Toronto. 2 years, Su-Chef/Chef, Silver Dragon (Poland), Warsawa. Education: ХРТТ, radio...
20 May 2024
Алиев Э., 53 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in Ottawa, Ottawa, any schedule
Work experience: 25 years, Частный предприниматель, Hunarmand.uz, Ташкент. Education: ТАСИ (Ташкентский Архитектурно-Строительный Институт, Архитектор, Ташкент 1988 - 1993, Зравствуйте, я соискатель по работе в Канаде. Если вам интересно, я расскажу о себе.. мне 52 года, проживаю в Ташкенте(Узбекистан). Я столяр - краснодеревщик. Опыт работы с...
19 May 2024
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