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Resumes c программист in Quebec

7 resumes
Ларионов А., 45 years old, Quebec City  |  Higher education
willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 5 mo., Инженер, ЛУКОЙЛ-Информ, ООО, Усинск. 12 years, Ведущий инженер (Руководитель), ООО "РН-Северная нефть" , Усинск. 3.5 years, Менеджер (Эксперт), ООО ИК "Сибинтек" (ПАО НК "Роснефть"), Москва. 3 years, Ведущий инженер, Индивидуальный предприниматель, Усинск. Education: Tomsk State University of Control Systems and...
6 February 2023
Pakhomov Danylo Aleksandr
Pakhomov D., 29 years old, Wrocław, PL  |  Higher education
looking for job in Ottawa, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, full time
Work experience: 2 years, Водидель погрузчика работа со сканером, Neonet, 2021. Education: Национальная металлургичиска академия, Финансы и кредит, 2017 2013 - 2019, Трудолюбив, коммуникабельный, быстро обучаемый, не агрессивный , дружелюбный. Проживаю в гражданском браке с девушкой уже более двух лет и планирую переехать с ней. Так же есть...
Pakhomov Danylo Aleksandr
24 May 2022


  CA$ 3,000
Valdanov M., 22 years old, Naples, IT  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City, Montreal, Welland..., full time
No work experience. Education: НПФК ОП, Программист, Нова Каховка 2018 - сurrent time.
1 May 2022
Valdanov M., 22 years old, Naples, IT  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, Ottawa, Welland, Quebec City, Montreal, full time
No work experience. Education: НПФК ОП, Программист, Новая Каховка 2018 - сurrent time.
1 May 2022
Тодиренчук Владислав Дмитрович
Тодиренчук В., 28 years old, Chernivtsi, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Montreal..., full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Программист-дессинатор, Шапки, Черновцы. 5 mo., Укладчик упаковщик, Zaklady miesne "Zakrzewscy", Wiejska 7, Kosów Lacki, Polska. Education: Черновицкий национальный университет им.Юрия Федьковича, Економист-кибернетик, Черновцы 2014 - 2018, Трудолюбив, ответственный, комуникабельный, целеустремлённый, стресоустойчив,...
Тодиренчук Владислав Дмитрович
17 August 2021
Шульга Андрей
Шульга А., 39 years old, Szczecin, PL  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Halifax, Regina, Saskatoon, Ottawa, Montreal..., full time
Work experience: 8.5 years, Driver, ЖКП, Lozovatka. Education: PTU 48, Junior Programmer, Krivoy Rog 2000 - 2002, Searching for stable position with further application for Canadian Residence. Please contact by e-mail. Willing to move to any part of Canada.
Шульга Андрей
25 January 2021
Шейко Владимир Владимирович
Шейко В., 49 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Montreal, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 22.5 years, Водитель, Шош транс, Ташкент, Права категории B C D . По трудовой 23 года водителем. Желание повышения квалификации. Работа на большегрузных.
Шейко Владимир Владимирович
24 September 2018
In neighboring regions
Завгородний М., 46 years old, Hildesheim, DE  |  Higher education
looking for job in Calgary, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 4 years, Водитель международник, Транспеле, Киев. 10.5 years, Водитель, УкрАвтоСнаб, Харьков. 2 years, Водитель большегрузного автомобиля, Weigel Handel & Logistik, Hamburg. Education: ХГАДТУ (ХАДИ), Инженер автомобильной техники, Харьков 1997 - 2001, Из Украины. На данный момент легально нахожусь в Германии с семьёй, есть...
4 hours ago

Truck Driver

  CA$ 5,000
Buchel A., 33 years old, Paris, FR  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Toronto, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Truck Driver, Атп 7 , Воронеж. 3.5 years, Truck Driver, Transmeja, Siauliai. Education: Вгпу, Егф , Воронеж 2009 - 2011, Hello, my name is Andrey and I am 32 years old. I have been working as a driver of category C, E for 5 years with work experience, 2 years working in Europe and England. Responsible, punctual with...
28 June 2024


  CA$ 6,000
Kovalov I., 25 years old, Poltava, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Edmonton, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Driller, Top Oil Service Company , Poltava. 1 mo., The operator and driver of the pumping equipment, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY UBS CRS, Poltava. 4 mo., Сourier, NOVA POSHTA GLOBAL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, Poltava. 3 years, Operator-setter, Webasto, Liberec. Education: Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University...
7 March 2024
Ovchynnyk V., 24 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 3.5 years, 1С программист, Family+, Ivano-Frankivsk. 1 year, Разнорабочий, Pach Taas, Ashkelon, Israel. Education: National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Юрист , Львов 2018 - 2022, Есть желание работать, и учиться. Увлечений нет, просто хочу жить в мире.
20 November 2023
Da Silva J., 43 years old, Brampton  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 5.5 years, CNC Machine Operator, Pennsylvania Wood, Mississauga, UFT Ultimate Forklift Training Center Inc. 2023/07 to 2025-07 - C-Balance (Electric, Propane & Diesel) - Reach. - Electric Pallet Truck. - O-Picker & Fall Arrest. - Dockstocker. Warehouse Assistant 2007/05 to 2011/11 Casas Bahia / Via - Rio...
8 August 2023
Matierov S., 21 years old, Toronto  |  Secondary education
full time
No work experience, Hello, my name is Stas, I'm 20 years old. I have a technical education as a junior computer engineer. I have a small experience in repairing hardware and software. The diploma project was devoted to writing adaptive code on c# for the game.
27 June 2023
Kalakutskyi M., 20 years old, Whitby  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, Toronto, any schedule
No work experience. Education: DKRKM DNU, Инженер програмного обеспечения, Днепр 2020 - 2023, Я не имею вредных привычек, не пью и не курю. Самостоятельно учусь рисовать, также веду здоровый и спортивный образ жизни с опытом в таких видах спорта как дзюдо, карате и плавание. Интересуюсь рисованием, играми и информационными технологиями.
27 March 2023
Normatov Durbek Kuvandikovich
Normatov D., 42 years old, Samarkand, UZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Kolej , Водитель , 2000 2019 - 2021.
Normatov Durbek Kuvandikovich
24 February 2023
Lukianov Andrii


  CA$ 5,000
Lukianov A., 37 years old, Zaporizhia, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Winnipeg, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 5 years, Trucker, GIRPOLTRANS SP ZOO, Poznań, PL. 1.5 years, Trucker, DTM, Szczecin, PL. Education: Zaporizzian National University, Ecology, Zaporizzia, UA 2005 - 2010, Driving license category C opened in 2008, and category CE in 2017. Personal qualities: Stress-resistant, punctual and responsible. I have no bad habits. I...
Lukianov Andrii
28 October 2022
Косенко Олег Васильович

Kierowca c+e

  CA$ 5,000
Косенко О., 36 years old, Wrocław, PL  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, full time
Work experience: 3.5 years, Kierowca c+e, Newcon, Opole. Education: Профтехкиїв, Сантехнік, Київ 2015 - 2015.
Косенко Олег Васильович
18 May 2022
Кривчиков Н., 53 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, any schedule
Work experience: 6 years, Pattern maker CAD Lectra, GOLDI, Kiev. Education: KTILP, pattern maker, Kiev 1988 - 1993, In 1993 finished the Kiev technological institute of fashion industry (daily form of educating). Speciality is a designer-technologist-pattern-maker. 24 years of productive experience on the enterprises of the mass sewing. In...
21 January 2021
Атанов М., 36 years old, Ashgabat, TM  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, remotely
No work experience.
12 November 2019
Яковлева Екатерина
Яковлева Е., 36 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Calgary, full time
Work experience: 7 mo., Personal Assistant to the General Manager, B.C. Toms & Co. , Kyiv. 7 mo., Front Desk Specialist, Luxoft, Kyiv. 3 mo., Marketing Manager, Redcliffe Partners, Kyiv. 3 years, Administrative secretary, Clifford Chance , Kyiv. 1 year, Teacher of English, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv. Education: Kyiv National...
Яковлева Екатерина
31 January 2018
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