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Resumes оператор in Ottawa

12 resumes
Region Ottawa
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12 resumes
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Nuritdinov Yodgorxoja Farxatovich
Nuritdinov Y., 36 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Ottawa, Ottawa, Vaughan, full time, part time
Work experience: 7.5 years, Сборщик мебели, Ums, Tashkent, Мастер по мебели.
Nuritdinov Yodgorxoja Farxatovich
29 March 2024
Shvarov P., 53 years old, Ottawa  |  Vocational secondary
full time
Work experience: 11 mo., Оператор линии,водитель перегонщик, WF, Bratislava. Education: Спту-15, Мастер-виноградарь, Николаев 1986 - 1987, Опыт работы в сфере оказания услуг( ремонт стиральных машин, работа с электро-инструментом).
6 February 2024
Prokhorova I., 24 years old, Sila, AE  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Vancouver, 3540 km, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, any schedule
Work experience: 9 years, Оператор по добыче нефти, ООО Роснефть , Нижневартовск. Education: ННТ Нижневартовский нефтяной техникум, Разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений , Нижневартовск 2009 - 2013.
10 December 2023
Nuriyev E., 41 years old, Baku, AZ  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, 350 km, Ottawa, Toronto, full time
Work experience: 17 years, Ведущий специалист, Bank Of Baku, Baku. Education: академия труда и социальных отношений, бухгалтерский учет анализ и аудит, Баку 2000 - 2006.
23 August 2023


  CA$ 3,000
Сёмочкин Д., 20 years old, Windsor  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Ottawa, Toronto, Windsor, Vancouver, full time
No work experience.
21 May 2023
Лищук А., 27 years old, Peniche, PT  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, Ottawa, Gatineau, remotely
Work experience: 2.5 years, Оператор call центра, Менеджер по продажам, Украина. 2 years, Бармен, администратор, Сеть ресторанов, Обухов. Киев.Украинка. Education: Коледж, Администратор -оператор, Украика 2012 - 2015, Быстро учусь, стремлюсь развиваться, находить что то новое. Коммуникабельная, нету проблем найти общей язык и быстро приступить...
24 November 2022
Бабич Б., 48 years old, Bydgoszcz, PL  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, 350 km, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, full time
Work experience: 7.5 years, Оператор Гильотины, MBA System, Bydgoszcz. 11 years, Оператор Гильотины, Крюковский Вагонострительный Завод, Кременчуг. Education: СПТУ №6, Электрогазосварщик, Кременчуг 1990 - 1993, Виза открыта.
23 October 2022
Pakhomov Danylo Aleksandr
Pakhomov D., 29 years old, Wrocław, PL  |  Higher education
looking for job in Ottawa, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, full time
Work experience: 2 years, Водидель погрузчика работа со сканером, Neonet, 2021. Education: Национальная металлургичиска академия, Финансы и кредит, 2017 2013 - 2019, Трудолюбив, коммуникабельный, быстро обучаемый, не агрессивный , дружелюбный. Проживаю в гражданском браке с девушкой уже более двух лет и планирую переехать с ней. Так же есть...
Pakhomov Danylo Aleksandr
24 May 2022
Вечорко Игорь Андреевич
Вечорко И., 27 years old, Pinsk, BY  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Vancouver, 3540 km, Ottawa, Toronto, Pickering, Brampton..., full time
Work experience: 3 years, Operator machine, PinskDrev, Pinsk. Education: Пинский машиностроительный колледж, Слесарь, Pinsk 2014 - 2016.
Вечорко Игорь Андреевич
20 April 2022


  CA$ 3,500
Gaygysyz S., 37 years old, Antalya, TR  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, 350 km, Ottawa, full time
No work experience. Education: Средняя школа, Отлично, Туркменистан Мары 1994 - 2003, Сварщик Миг Маг, плотник оплубщик бригадир, работник склада, оператор форклифта водитель категории В быстро адаптации на работу опшителный труда любчивый.
9 December 2021
Тодиренчук Владислав Дмитрович
Тодиренчук В., 28 years old, Chernivtsi, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, 350 km, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal..., full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Программист-дессинатор, Шапки, Черновцы. 5 mo., Укладчик упаковщик, Zaklady miesne "Zakrzewscy", Wiejska 7, Kosów Lacki, Polska. Education: Черновицкий национальный университет им.Юрия Федьковича, Економист-кибернетик, Черновцы 2014 - 2018, Трудолюбив, ответственный, комуникабельный, целеустремлённый, стресоустойчив,...
Тодиренчук Владислав Дмитрович
17 August 2021
Султанова М., 39 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 10.5 years, Менеджер отдел продаж, Ооо Max pool, Tashkent. Education: Компьютерный коледж, Оператор ЭВМ, Ташкент 2003 - 2004.
26 November 2019
Within the radius of 3540 km from Ottawa
Kyseliuk Nadiia
Kyseliuk N., 25 years old, Vaughan  |  Secondary education
349 km, any schedule
Work experience: 2 years, Warehouse Associate, Auchan, Warsaw. 1 year, Barista/ Senior barista, Coffee shop “Cofix”, Warsaw, I am a fast learner and a good worker.
Kyseliuk Nadiia
7 days ago

Farm worker

  CA$ 4,900
Full name hidden, 36 years old, Markham  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, 350 km, willing to relocate, full time, remotely
No work experience. Education: Queen's University, Mathematics, Kingston 2007 - 2011.
8 days ago


Yaqubi E., 37 years old, Bishkek, KG  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Quebec City, 375 km, Quebec City, any schedule
Work experience: 18 years, Seamstress, Alex Style, Bishkek. Education: 17 seamstress school, seamstress, Bishkek 2004 - 2005, Hardworking, hobby-work.
9 days ago


  CA$ 15
Full name hidden, 18 years old, Toronto  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Richmond Hill, 341 km, part time
No work experience.
12 days ago
Sindayigaya N., 30 years old, Quebec City  |  Higher education
375 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 3 mo., Emballeur, Hexo , Gatineau. Education: Hope africa university , SIF, Bujumbura 2015 - 2018.
12 days ago


  CA$ 16
Панченко А., 17 years old, Calgary  |  Secondary education
2877 km, full time, part time
No work experience, Personal Qualities: Team Player Detail-Oriented Reliable Strong Communication Skills Hobbies and Interests: Traveling Cooking Music Life Principles: Integrity Respect for Others Hard Work Positive...
16 days ago

Warehouse worker

  CA$ 18
Singh A., 19 years old, Brampton  |  Higher education
looking for job in Milton, 393 km, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 6 mo., Fulfillment Associate, Amazon, Brampton. Education: G.N.D public school , Arts, Punjab 2021 - 2023.
19 days ago
Full name hidden, 25 years old, Toronto  |  Secondary education
350 km, full time, part time
No work experience, I can work as long i can manage the work.
21 days ago
Joshi P., 36 years old, Calgary  |  Higher education
2877 km, any schedule
Work experience: 7 years, 1C software engineer, Hexagon, Calgary. 3 years, Cryptocurrency Trader, Triotech, Online. Education: Seneca collage, Enginering, Toronto 2013 - 2016, I have great understanding in technical analysis on any market with skills to automate strategies on python.
21 days ago


  CA$ 20
Singh B., 46 years old, Calgary  |  Incomplete higher education
2877 km, any schedule
Work experience: 12 mo., Farm worker, Eigel lake nursery , Sathmore. Education: Computer course, Diploma , Gurdaspur 2000 - 2001.
22 days ago
Full name hidden, 34 years old, Calgary  |  Incomplete higher education
2877 km, any schedule
Work experience: 2 years, Stock clerk, Urban Fresh, Toronto. Education: Nharo African Arts and Craft, Associate , Toronto 2019 - 2022.
22 days ago
Kuznietsova K., 21 years old, Calgary  |  Secondary education
2877 km, any schedule
Work experience: 4 mo., Warehouse worker, EDC, Вендам, I am responsible and hardworking, always striving to complete tasks efficiently and on time. It is important for me to be useful to the company and support the overall team result. I learn quickly and am ready to adapt to new conditions and...
30 days ago


  CA$ 16
Slobodian I., 18 years old, Oshawa  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, 350 km, any schedule
Work experience: 3 mo., Робітник, Budimex, Wrocław. 2 mo., Worker, Contractor , Toronto. 4 mo., Worker, Contractor , Leros.
11 January 2025

Building engineer

  CA$ 5,000
Serdar A., 40 years old, Mary, TM  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, 350 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 3 years, Industrial & civil construction engineer, Ilk construction , Ashgabat. Education: TPI, Mechanical engineer , Ashgabat 2001 - 2005.
9 January 2025

Developer JavaScript

  CA$ 4,500
Gummetov A., 42 years old, Vancouver  |  Higher education
3540 km, any schedule
No work experience. Education: DGU, Physicist, RUSSIA 1999 - 2004.
7 January 2025
Appuhamy H., 34 years old, Brampton  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Mississauga, 372 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 2.5 years, Cleaning supervisor,cleaner, Beyula cleaning, , Brampton, mississauga. 2 years, Cleaner, AD Janitorial , Milton.
2 January 2025


  CA$ 5,000
Full name hidden, 35 years old, Türkmenabat, TM  |  Higher education
looking for job in Regina, 2211 km, Regina, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Ucitel, Ucitel, Ucitel 2010 - 2016.
23 December 2024
Mirzayev A., 30 years old, Hamilton  |  Higher education
411 km, any schedule
No work experience. Education: police academy , police officer , Bakı 2011 - 2016.
13 December 2024

Warehouse worker

  CA$ 18
Artomenko V., 29 years old, Berdyansk, UA  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Calgary, 2877 km, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Berdyansk Economics and Humanities College of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, MerDistribution agent for non-food products. Merchandiser., Berdyansk 2012 - 2013, Quick learner, Quality-focused, Attentive, Disciplined, Goal-oriented, Friendly :).
3 December 2024


  CA$ 17
Ehioghae U., 40 years old, Montreal  |  Secondary education
166 km, any schedule
Work experience: 14 years, Ware worker, YAO packaging company , OYO Nigeria.
2 December 2024
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