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Resumes робітник на фабрику in Ontario

35 resumes

Warehouse worker

  CA$ 18
Singh A., 19 years old, Brampton  |  Higher education
looking for job in Milton, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 6 mo., Fulfillment Associate, Amazon, Brampton. Education: G.N.D public school , Arts, Punjab 2021 - 2023.
15 days ago


  CA$ 16
Slobodian I., 18 years old, Oshawa  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, any schedule
Work experience: 3 mo., Робітник, Budimex, Wrocław. 2 mo., Worker, Contractor , Toronto. 4 mo., Worker, Contractor , Leros.
28 days ago
Lazorenko Serhii
Lazorenko S., 33 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, any schedule
No work experience.
Lazorenko Serhii
12 November 2024


  CA$ 4,000
Mbaya S., 31 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
willing to relocate, full time
No work experience, Logistique, vente et marketing etc.
1 October 2024


  CA$ 18
Lesnikov D., 23 years old, Mahilyow, BY  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Ajax, Grande Prairie, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Teacher guitar, Ip horina, Novosibirsk, I've been teaching adults and children to play the guitar since 2020, I've been learning to play the guitar for 8 years, but I'm ready to take on any job.
28 September 2024
Мерінов Д., 22 years old, Kharkiv, UA  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Новокаховський електротехнічний ліцей , Електрогазозварювальник , Нова Каховка 2017 - 2020, Пунктуальність, відповідальність, комунікабельність, вміння швидко навчатися.
12 August 2024


  CA$ 15
Kovalenko P., 18 years old, Mississauga  |  Secondary education
willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience, I am a goal-oriented and responsible builder with initial work experience: I helped my uncle at a construction site, which gave me a good understanding of the processes and tasks in this area. I have high efficiency and attention to detail, which...
10 August 2024
Ekuruemu E., 39 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 1.5 years, Inventory Specialist, Ayekus Enterprises & Co. , Lagos. 2.5 years, Assistant Inventory Specialist, Emsah Global Venture , Lagos. 5 years, Safety Officer, UKJ Consultants Limited, Lagos. Education: Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Architectural Technology, Owo 2007 - 2009. Hussey College, Science, Warri 1998 - 2004, • Ability...
18 July 2024


Demchenko Y., 23 years old, Kryvyi Rih, UA  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, full time
Work experience: 10 mo., Electrical installation, Eltek, Liptovský Mikuláš. Education: Courses, Barber, Кривой Рог 2018 - 2019.
24 May 2024
Andrii F., 18 years old, Toronto  |  Secondary education
any schedule
No work experience, Я хочу найти роботу десь в Торонто я согласен работать 10часов будь-яка робота підійде пакувальник, прибирання, склад, фабрика я буду радий якщо ви напишите мені телеграм viber Англійську я вчу але ще не до ріс до якогось рівня але я...
13 April 2024
Глухих М., 25 years old, Khmelnytskyi, UA  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Mississauga, willing to relocate, full time
No work experience.
26 March 2024
Хомецька Л., 40 years old, Oleksandriia (Ukraine), UA  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, willing to relocate, full time
No work experience. Education: Олександрійське ПТУ 33, Продавець продтоварів, Олександрія (Укр) 2003 - 2004, Трудолюбива, відповідальна, швидко навчаюсь.
18 March 2024
Bogdanova Z., 54 years old, London, GB  |  Higher education
looking for job in Collingwood, willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Accounting and Audit, Economist , Saint-Petersburg 1991 - 1995.
10 November 2023
Гошовська Х., 20 years old, Toronto  |  Incomplete higher education
any schedule
No work experience.
22 July 2023
Grechnaya O., 44 years old, Ayia Napa, CY  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Toronto, full time
No work experience. Education: Техникум легкой промышленности, Конструктор , Olga Grechnaya 2001 - 2003, Ответственная, порядочная.
12 July 2023
Камбуряк М., 39 years old, Toronto  |  Secondary education
full time
Work experience: 3.5 years, Опиратор машини, Sokolow, Poznan.
9 April 2023
Full name hidden, 18 years old, Toronto  |  Secondary education
full time
No work experience.
9 April 2023
Skrypnyk O., 42 years old, Milan, IT  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, willing to relocate, full time
No work experience. Education: Хотинская гимназия, Фельдшер, Хотин 1997 - 2000.
10 January 2023
Буклив Анна Андреевна
Буклив А., 34 years old, Nova Kakhovka, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Херсонский государственный университет, Учитель изобразительного искуства, етики и естетики и художественной культуры, Херсон 2008 - 2013, Ищем сезонную работу в Канаде, с своим молодым человеком. Расмотрим любые предложения. Жить вместе и работать как семейная пара. Есть опыт работы в прачечной и на заводах...
Буклив Анна Андреевна
28 December 2020
Любинская Елена
Любинская Е., 34 years old, Sevastopol, UA  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Montreal, full time
Work experience: 10 mo., Sales manager, Alliance STS, Novosibirsk. 3 mo., Sales manager, Polymers, Novosibirsk. 1.5 years, Управляющий, Baldinini , Новосибирск. 3 mo., Мерчендайзер, Хлебпром» «Mirel, фабрика тортов Мирель» , Новосибирск. 2.5 years, Управляющий, "Карло Пазолини» , Новосибирск. 2 years, Управляющий, Famozi" Салон Итальянской...
Любинская Елена
12 March 2019
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