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Nova Scotia

Resumes heavy truck driver in Nova Scotia

3 resumes
Горохов Д., 58 years old, Halifax  |  Vocational secondary
full time
Work experience: 9 years, Heavy truck driver forwarder, Hasencamp-ГРМ СП, St. Peterburg. 4.5 years, Heavy truck driver forwarder, Den Hartogh Logistic, St. Peterburg. 7 years, Heavy truck driver forwarder, Flame Line, St. Peterburg. Education: Institut of Aircraft instrumentation, metalworking, Leningrad 1982 - 1986, I have an work experience...
5 October 2022

Truck driver

  CA$ 4,500
Suyatsin V., 35 years old, Minsk, BY  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Fredericton, Moncton, Saint John, Fredericton, Halifax, any schedule
Work experience: 3.5 years, Truck driver, Jungtines, Panevėžys. 2 mo., Truck driver, Loidass, Vilnius. Education: Middle school 36 of Minsk, High school diploma, Minsk 1996 - 2007, Experienced truck driver with 5 years, without an accident. Experience confirmed. I was worked on the roads western and southern europe, scandinavian countries -...
30 June 2022
Kulahin Ihar
Kulahin I., 43 years old, Mstsislaw, BY  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Banff, Osoyoos..., any schedule
Work experience: 3.5 years, Truck drivers, R-Group, Minsk. Education: Мстиславское высшее профессиональное училище, водитель категории "А" "С", техник -механик, Mstislavl 1998 - 2002.
Kulahin Ihar
18 April 2022
In neighboring regions
Namochenko S., 28 years old, Svietlahorsk (Belar), BY  |  Higher education
looking for job in Victoria, any schedule
Work experience: 1 year, Водитель, Hegelmann, Ченстохова. Education: Ггту Сухого, Горный инжинер, ГОМЕЛЬ 2020 - 2025, 1.5 года стажа по категории CE в европе.
7 days ago

Truck Driver

  CA$ 5,000
Buchel A., 33 years old, Paris, FR  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Toronto, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Truck Driver, Атп 7 , Воронеж. 3.5 years, Truck Driver, Transmeja, Siauliai. Education: Вгпу, Егф , Воронеж 2009 - 2011, Hello, my name is Andrey and I am 32 years old. I have been working as a driver of category C, E for 5 years with work experience, 2 years working in Europe and England. Responsible, punctual with...
28 June 2024


Full name hidden, 26 years old, Cañada Rosquín, AR  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, any schedule
Work experience: 5 years, Still work, NLC, Lahore, My Hobbies driving i have truck driver and my experince in truck driving in 4-5 year.
4 April 2024

Heavy truck driver

  CA$ 4,000
Madaminjonov N., 34 years old, Andijan, UZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Edmonton, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Banff, any schedule
Work experience: 2 years, Driver, Girteka, Lithuania. Education: Andijan communication college, Computer information technology , Andijan 2006 - 2009.
10 March 2024
Shykulenko O., 67 years old, Quebec City  |  Higher education
full time
Work experience: 2 years, Truck driver, Highligt Motor Grup, Toronto. Education: DHMS, officer, Donetsk 1979 - 1983, I'm looking for job truck driver in Quebec City (district) or Montreal (district). Ukrainian, workpermit. Have US visa. Work experience in Canada (West: Brt. Columbia, Alberta, Monitoba, Saskatchewan, etc.) Work...
24 December 2023
Shalatskii V., 50 years old, Winnipeg  |  Higher education
willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 8.5 years, Truck driver, Advector , Sankt-Peterburg. Education: North-West Academy of Public Administration, Saint Petersburg, Russia, MASTERS IN MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST, Sankt-Peterburg 1997 - 2004.
15 December 2023
Makarenko V., 29 years old, Woodstock (New Brunswick)  |  Secondary education
looking for job in New Brunswick, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 1.5 years, Heavy truck driver forwarder, Girteka, Šiauliai, Worked as a truck driver in the European Union for 2 years I have a Canadian visa CUAET, Work Permit, Driving license class 1 (R). Now I’m in the Canada.
5 December 2023
Волков А., 23 years old, Düsseldorf, DE  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 2 years, Truck driver C + E, Marshall Trans , Koln. 11 mo., Truck driver, Daimex Express, Duesseldorf. Education: ЖАТК, Отделение Електрификации и информационных систем , Житомир 2019 - 2020, I am looking for a job preferably Norway Germany or Canada with a salary of 2700 neto I'm 22 I worked all my time on a 44t truck ready...
10 October 2023
Full name hidden, 31 years old, Wiesbaden, DE  |  Higher education
looking for job in Vancouver, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 4.5 years, Truck driver, Transilita, Girteka, Vilniaus. Education: BGSXA, Management , Horki 2017 - 2021.
15 January 2023
Lukianov Andrii


  CA$ 5,000
Lukianov A., 37 years old, Zaporizhia, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Winnipeg, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 5 years, Trucker, GIRPOLTRANS SP ZOO, Poznań, PL. 1.5 years, Trucker, DTM, Szczecin, PL. Education: Zaporizzian National University, Ecology, Zaporizzia, UA 2005 - 2010, Driving license category C opened in 2008, and category CE in 2017. Personal qualities: Stress-resistant, punctual and responsible. I have no bad habits. I...
Lukianov Andrii
28 October 2022
Сумской Е., 29 years old, Calais, FR  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Winnipeg, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 5 years, Truck driver, Hoptrans, Kaunas. 1 year, Truck driver, Modus dist., Kaunas. Education: ГГПК, Деревообраьотка, Гомель 2013 - 2016, Ответственный Пунктуален Без вредных привычек Спокоен Стрессоустойчив Неконфликтный.
12 March 2022

Truck driver

  CA$ 4,000
Zakharchenko Y., 37 years old, Madrid, ES  |  Higher education
looking for job in London, willing to relocate, full time
Work experience: 6 years, Truck driver, Contrail , Visbek. Education: Sumy University , Management , Sumy 2004 - 2009.
9 July 2021
Антоневич Д., 50 years old, Hrodna, BY  |  Higher education
looking for job in Ottawa, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Университет им. Я. Купалы, инженер-оптик, Гродно 1991 - 1996, Водительское удостоверение кат. Ам, А1, А., В, C, E, BE, CE.
19 May 2021

Concrete finisher

  CA$ 3,000
Купорев А., 44 years old, Gomel, BY  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, full time
Work experience: 19 years, Формовщик, гомельский дск, Гомель. Education: пту 144, слесарь по ремонту автомобилей, Гомель 1996 - 1999, Good day . My name is Andrey Kuporev. I am 36 years old married have 2 sons 7 years and 3 years. 7 years worked as a mechanic for car repairs (engine) to the truck below 10 years in the house-building plant...
16 December 2016
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