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Resumes водитель международник in Montreal

13 resumes


  CA$ 20
Asgarani M., 40 years old, Montreal  |  Vocational secondary
any schedule
Work experience: 3.5 years, Driver, Goodfood, Montreal. Education: Pearson, Maintenance, Montreal 2023 - 2023.
28 September 2024
Danil T., 19 years old, Brno, CZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City, full time
Work experience: 2.5 years, Рабочий строитель, Tsv.Stav, Brno, Есть права категории В Не курю, не пью Готов научиться Карщиком или поваром.
18 March 2024
Норкобилов Шахзод
Норкобилов Ш., 41 years old, Shurchi, UZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, Waterloo, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Коика, Сварщик кемпинг полуавтомат, токарь , Ташкент 2018 - 2018, Добрый день Мне нужна работа. Я гражданин Узбекистана я хочу работать в Канаде. Разнорабочий сварщик с сертификатом, водитель B, С, помощник, производства, упаковка, завод, фабрика и многие разные. Желательно прямой работодатель которые сможет...
Норкобилов Шахзод
11 July 2023
Vasyl M., 45 years old, Katowice, PL  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Montreal, full time
Work experience: 3.5 years, Водитель, Adamex , Катовице. Education: ВПУ-34, Молодший специалист сельского хозяйства , Виноградов 1995 - 1999, Магу работать на любой тяжёлой роботе, без огроничений.
30 March 2023
Зиньковский С., 47 years old, Montreal  |  Higher education
looking for job in Montreal, Montreal, full time
Work experience: 4 years, Водитель экспедитор, SKANIA "Транс сервис", Нижний Новгород. 3 years, Водитель самосвала, НЕРУДСНАБ-52, Нижний Новгород. 2 years, Инструктор по вождению кат B, Автошкола "Колесо", Нижний Новгород. Education: НТУ, Менеджер, Харьков 1995 - 2002, Ответственность, обучаемость, дисциплинированность, умение работать в...
5 March 2023
Sopko Dmytro Сопко Дмитрий
Sopko Dmytro С., 50 years old, Kryvyi Rih, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, 504 km, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City, full time
Work experience: 23.5 years, Автомеханик, Шиномонтаж, Водитель кат.В, Международные перевозки кат.В., Автомеханик, Шиномонтаж, Водитель кат.В, Международные перевозки грузов кат.В, Rattad24 Таллин, Elit Taxi, Uber, Автоцентр "Юность"., Украина, Польша, Эстония, Евросоюз.. Education: КТУ, Промышленное, гражданское строительство., Кривой Рог,...
Sopko Dmytro Сопко Дмитрий
13 February 2023
Kravchuk O., 51 years old, Łódź, PL  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Oakville, Vancouver..., full time
Work experience: 22 years, Строитель, Разные компании в разных странах Европы, Варшава. Education: ХУСПТУ, Водитель, Херсон 1990 - 1992, Ищу работу с жильём. Профессиональный строитель с опытом 15+ лет. Не пью, не курю, ответственный, физически выносливый. - Шпаклевка, штукатурка - Облицовка поверхностей - Заливка полов (стяжка) -...
17 September 2022
Pakhomov Danylo Aleksandr
Pakhomov D., 28 years old, Wrocław, PL  |  Higher education
looking for job in Ottawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City, full time
Work experience: 2 years, Водидель погрузчика работа со сканером, Neonet, 2021. Education: Национальная металлургичиска академия, Финансы и кредит, 2017 2013 - 2019, Трудолюбив, коммуникабельный, быстро обучаемый, не агрессивный , дружелюбный. Проживаю в гражданском браке с девушкой уже более двух лет и планирую переехать с ней. Так же есть...
Pakhomov Danylo Aleksandr
24 May 2022
Kulahin Ihar
Kulahin I., 42 years old, Mstsislaw, BY  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Banff, Osoyoos..., any schedule
Work experience: 3.5 years, Truck drivers, R-Group, Minsk. Education: Мстиславское высшее профессиональное училище, водитель категории "А" "С", техник -механик, Mstislavl 1998 - 2002.
Kulahin Ihar
18 April 2022
Guzinovskiy Ivan Mishaylovich
Guzinovskiy I., 35 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Montreal, Montreal, full time
Work experience: 5 years, Грузчик и администратор, Тов АТБ маркет, Киев, Целеустремленность ответственность добросовестно отношусь к работе порядочность.
Guzinovskiy Ivan Mishaylovich
30 July 2021
Чермных Дмитрий Вячеславович
Чермных Д., 41 years old, Zhlobin, BY  |  Higher education
looking for job in Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, Toronto, Calgary..., full time
Work experience: 11 mo., Водитель грузового автомобиля по категории СЕ, ООО «Альянсавтомоторс», Гомель. 1 year, Водитель грузового автомобиля по категории СЕ, UAB "Modus-Distribution", Каунас. Education: Гомельский государственный технический университет имени Павла Осиповича Сухого, Машины и технология обработки материалов давлением (инженер),...
Чермных Дмитрий Вячеславович
26 August 2019
Богаткина Марина
Богаткина М., 41 years old, Khmelnytskyi, UA  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Vancouver, 3687 km, Montreal, Toronto, full time
Work experience: 3 years, Домашний персонал, Частное лицо, Москва. 5.5 years, Домашний персонал, Частное лицо, П.Вырица ( Ленинградская обл. ). 5 mo., Домашний персонал, Частное лицо, Варшава. Education: Хмельницкий ТНЦ, Медсестра,повар,овощевод,ветеринар., Хмельницкий 2006 - 2009, Православная (муж католик) порядочная, активная спортивная...
Богаткина Марина
10 January 2019
Шейко Владимир Владимирович
Шейко В., 49 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Montreal, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 22.5 years, Водитель, Шош транс, Ташкент, Права категории B C D . По трудовой 23 года водителем. Желание повышения квалификации. Работа на большегрузных.
Шейко Владимир Владимирович
24 September 2018
Within the radius of 3690 km from Montreal
Kuznietsova K., 21 years old, Calgary  |  Secondary education
3021 km, any schedule
Work experience: 4 mo., Warehouse worker, EDC, Вендам, I am responsible and hardworking, always striving to complete tasks efficiently and on time. It is important for me to be useful to the company and support the overall team result. I learn quickly and am ready to adapt to new conditions and...
1 day ago


  CA$ 16
Slobodian I., 18 years old, Oshawa  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, 504 km, any schedule
Work experience: 3 mo., Робітник, Budimex, Wrocław. 2 mo., Worker, Contractor , Toronto. 4 mo., Worker, Contractor , Leros.
4 days ago

Building engineer

  CA$ 5,000
Serdar A., 40 years old, Mary, TM  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, 504 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 3 years, Industrial & civil construction engineer, Ilk construction , Ashgabat. Education: TPI, Mechanical engineer , Ashgabat 2001 - 2005.
6 days ago
Gummetov Adil Eubovich

Developer JavaScript

  CA$ 4,500
Gummetov A., 42 years old, Vancouver  |  Higher education
3687 km, any schedule
No work experience. Education: DGU, Physicist, RUSSIA 1999 - 2004.
Gummetov Adil Eubovich
8 days ago
Appuhamy H., 34 years old, Brampton  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Mississauga, 525 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 2.5 years, Cleaning supervisor,cleaner, Beyula cleaning, , Brampton, mississauga. 2 years, Cleaner, AD Janitorial , Milton.
13 days ago


  CA$ 5,000
Full name hidden, 35 years old, Türkmenabat, TM  |  Higher education
looking for job in Regina, 2357 km, Regina, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Ucitel, Ucitel, Ucitel 2010 - 2016.
23 days ago
Mirzayev A., 30 years old, Hamilton  |  Higher education
561 km, any schedule
No work experience. Education: police academy , police officer , Bakı 2011 - 2016.
13 December 2024

Warehouse worker

  CA$ 18
Artomenko V., 29 years old, Berdyansk, UA  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Calgary, 3021 km, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Berdyansk Economics and Humanities College of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, MerDistribution agent for non-food products. Merchandiser., Berdyansk 2012 - 2013, Quick learner, Quality-focused, Attentive, Disciplined, Goal-oriented, Friendly :).
3 December 2024


  CA$ 17
Ehioghae U., 40 years old, Montreal  |  Secondary education
any schedule
Work experience: 14 years, Ware worker, YAO packaging company , OYO Nigeria.
2 December 2024
Paras P., 27 years old, Brampton  |  Higher education
530 km, any schedule
23 November 2024

General laborer

  CA$ 3,000
Khamraev S., 24 years old, Samarkand, UZ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Toronto, 504 km, any schedule
No work experience. Education: school, accountant, Samarkand 2008 - 2017, Sociable, I like to drive a car and make new friends, live calmly and well with the world, worked for 2 years in Europe, Latvia as a courier for the Wolt company, from work I expect a good team of new friends and a good salary.
17 November 2024
Lazorenko Serhii
Lazorenko S., 33 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, 504 km, any schedule
No work experience.
Lazorenko Serhii
12 November 2024


  CA$ 15
Full name hidden, 20 years old, Montreal  |  Higher education
full time, part time
Work experience: 3 years, Bindery worker, Fleece factory , Montreal. Education: Cegep marie victorin , Bba, Montreal 2023 - 2024.
7 November 2024


  CA$ 15
Moncivais A., 29 years old, Montreal  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 3 mo., Superviseur de production, Taylor Farms, M. Education: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Biology, waste water treatment, NA 2021 - 2023, Travail en équipe, résoudre des problèmes, polyvalence, autonomie, dextérité manuelle, esprit d'observation et d'analyse.
7 November 2024
Flores B., 23 years old, Spartanburg, US  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Toronto, 504 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 3 years, General laborer, Greenville causality insurance, Greer, I have had three years experience at construction for this one local company. I do practically any job the boss asks for if it it's painting, framing, concrete, lumberjack or cleaning septic tanks I have done it all.
7 November 2024


  CA$ 3,000
Lekhtman A., 34 years old, Calgary  |  Higher education
3021 km, full time, part time
Work experience: 1 year, Qa Engineer, Utest, Worldwide. 4 years, Guard/ receptionist, Sheleg Lavan , Tel aviv. 2 years, Warehouse associate, Yango deli, Tel aviv. Education: Bar Ilan university , Criminology/ Sociology and Anthropology , Ramat Gan 2018 - 2021. Bar Ilan university , QA engineer , Ramat Gan 2022 - 2023.
6 November 2024


  CA$ 15
Full name hidden, 49 years old, Hamilton  |  Vocational secondary
561 km, any schedule
Work experience: 9 years, Laborer, KONSOL'-STROY LTD, Simferopol. Education: Secondary Vocational School, Welder, Bekabad 1989 - 1992.
3 November 2024

Aircraft cleaner

  CA$ 2,500
Full name hidden, 32 years old, Cañada de Gómez, AR  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Calgary, 3021 km, full time
Work experience: 8 years, Aircraft cabin cleaner, Transguard group UAE, Dubai, Hello sir how are you my name is SohailAhmed and I am from pakistan sir I am Good work and heard work and I am interested aircraft cabin cleaner job My hobbies I like cricket and football.
3 November 2024
Tartakovskyi V., 50 years old, St. Catharines  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Edmonton, 2977 km, Edmonton, full time
Work experience: 1.5 years, Combination welder, GEARCO, St. Catharines. 4 years, Welder, PAKIET, POLAND. 2 years, Welder, EURO WELD, POLAND. Education: Special vocational school, Welding, Kharkov 1989 - 1992.
3 November 2024


  CA$ 3,000
Full name hidden, 47 years old, Edmonton  |  Higher education
2977 km, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 7.5 years, 345 039, Silos Grocery Store Kramatorsk.Ukraine., Kramatorsk.
25 October 2024
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