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British Columbia

Resumes warehouse employee in British Columbia

11 resumes
Волчков С., 25 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Rouyn-Noranda, Nanaimo, any schedule
Work experience: 5.5 years, Разнорабочий, ООО СтройГлав, Москва, Молодой, выносливый парень.
25 October 2024
Siedina A., 21 years old, Calgary  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Vancouver, any schedule
Work experience: 1 year, Server, Cloud9 , Calgary. Education: Economic university , Economic , Kharkiv 2021 - 2024, Good evening! I have been in Canada for over a year now and have experience working as a barista and waiter. I’m currently in Calgary, but I’m already ready to move to Vancouver, as I’ve always dreamed of it. Having gained...
5 July 2024
Шивчик Т., 21 years old, Vancouver  |  Secondary education
any schedule
No work experience.
18 April 2024

Warehouse employee

  CA$ 2,500
Antonenko L., 24 years old, Vancouver  |  Secondary education
full time
Work experience: 1 mo., Warehouse employee, Rhenus logistics , Goleniów.
23 November 2023
Shcherbyna K., 37 years old, Chilliwack  |  Incomplete higher education
full time
No work experience. Education: Interregional Academy of personal management , Management , Kyiv 2003 - 2007, Ответственная, не конфликтная, пунктуальная, не курю. Легко обучаемая.
12 November 2023


  CA$ 20
Meleshko Y., 28 years old, Vancouver  |  Higher education
full time
Work experience: 1.5 years, Packer, Auto Broker, Szcezin. Education: КиЇвський університет культури і мистецтва, Менеджер міжнародного туризми, Київ 2014 - 2018.
23 March 2023


  CA$ 2,500
Full name hidden, 24 years old, Burnaby  |  Vocational secondary
any schedule
Work experience: 4 mo., Production worker, Howard’s , Burnaby. 4 mo., Ice cream packaging, Amato Gelato , Vancouver, BC. 5 mo., Employee of the institution, KFS, Kharkiv ,UA. 7 mo., Restaurant worker, Macdonald’s, Kharkiv, UA. 11 mo., Supermarket worker, “Ukrainian”, Kharkiv, UA. Education: College , Graphic designer , Kharkiv 2016 - 2019.
28 February 2023
Kozhemiakin A., 40 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax, full time
Work experience: 3 mo., Forklift Operator, Raben Logistics Poland, Ruda Slaska. 1.5 years, Forklift Operator, Metsä Tissue Krapkowice, Opole. Education: УИПА, Инженер Педагог, Харьков 2001 - 2005, Literature, fishing, sports, listening to podcasts on a specific topic, hiking in the mountains.
24 February 2023
Nazarova K., 28 years old, Gdańsk, PL  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Vancouver, full time
Work experience: 2 years, Office manager, Mrija, Gdańsk. Education: Wyższa Szkoła Administracji i Biznesu im. Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego, zarządzanie przedsiebiorstwem, Gdańsk 2018 - 2022, Опыт работы в офисе, опыт работы на складе, опыт работы на кухне и в сфере обслуживания office experience, warehouse experience, kitchen and service...
26 December 2022
Vasilenko D., 31 years old, Winnipeg  |  Higher education
looking for job in Winnipeg, Regina, Labrador City, Toronto, Quebec City..., full time
No work experience. Education: MGPU, Lawyer, Moscow 2013 - 2016, I am responsible, executive, hardworking, fair, honest, conscientious. I am fond of parrots, I want to start breeding parrots someday. My motto in life is "Everyone should get what they deserve".
26 December 2022
Любинская Елена
Любинская Е., 34 years old, Sevastopol, UA  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Montreal, full time
Work experience: 10 mo., Sales manager, Alliance STS, Novosibirsk. 3 mo., Sales manager, Polymers, Novosibirsk. 1.5 years, Управляющий, Baldinini , Новосибирск. 3 mo., Мерчендайзер, Хлебпром» «Mirel, фабрика тортов Мирель» , Новосибирск. 2.5 years, Управляющий, "Карло Пазолини» , Новосибирск. 2 years, Управляющий, Famozi" Салон Итальянской...
Любинская Елена
12 March 2019
In neighboring regions
Abdi Dama S., 28 years old, Calgary  |  Incomplete higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 1 year, Warehouse employee, Titan Environmental Containment, Calgary.
19 September 2024
Gill S., 44 years old, Calgary  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Calgary, Calgary, any schedule
Work experience: 5.5 years, Warehouse employee, Greenhouse Warehouse, Surrey.
7 August 2024
Umeokeoma I., 38 years old, Calgary  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 3.5 years, Warehouse employee, Agrocounty Ltd, Calgary. Education: Covenant University , Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Calgary 2003 - 2008, Able to take directions and follow instructions, Detail oriented and highly flexible, Ability to work as a team player and independently. Exceptional interpersonal skills,...
10 June 2024
Cenat M., 25 years old, Edmonton  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 6 mo., Warehouse employee, TIPS, Edmonton. Education: College commutaire New Brunswick , Psw, Campbellton 2022 - 2023.
3 April 2024
Deepak D., 20 years old, Calgary  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 1 year, Warehouse employee, Dmart warehouse, India.
13 March 2024
Daud S., 26 years old, Edmonton  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Edmonton, Edmonton, full time, part time
Work experience: 3.5 years, Warehouse employee, Naivas , Nairobi, I speak Somali , and amharic as well among the above languages that i have mentioned . I like working alot and keeping my mind focused and perform my duty with passion. my hobby is to work as i love occupying myself with things to do.
22 February 2024
Kukharchuk I., 23 years old, Winnipeg  |  Vocational secondary
full time
Work experience: 2 years, Warehouse employee, Profit4you in warehouse Centrum Logistical Leroy Merlin, Piatek. Education: Міжрегіональне вище професійне училище автомобільного транспорту та будівельної механізації, Mechanic, Kyiv 2017 - 2021, I am a very receptive person, I know how to work in a team, I am looking for myself in this life, I am...
1 December 2023
Singh G., 33 years old, Calgary  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 3 mo., Warehouse employee, Ccm hockey, Montreal. Education: PSEB, Arts, Amritsar 2009 - 2010.
28 September 2023

Warehouse employee

  CA$ 2,500
Иваненко К., 27 years old, Montreal  |  Higher education
looking for job in Montreal, Montreal, Saskatoon, full time
Work experience: 1.5 years, Warehouse employee, Euro Service , Sochaczew. Education: Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Document Management and Information Activity, Kyiv 2014 - 2018.
12 August 2023
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