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British Columbia

Resumes production worker in British Columbia

20 resumes
Burchalo U., 24 years old, Ukrainka, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Victoria, willing to relocate, full time, part time
Work experience: 1.5 years, Cleaning person, Polish Maids, Chicago. Education: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Finance, Lviv 2017 - 2022, • Strong attention to detail and ability to work efficiently in a fast-paced environment. • Experienced in cleaning both residential and commercial properties with a focus on quality and customer...
22 hours ago
Волчков С., 25 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Secondary education
looking for job in Rouyn-Noranda, Nanaimo, any schedule
Work experience: 5.5 years, Разнорабочий, ООО СтройГлав, Москва, Молодой, выносливый парень.
25 October 2024
Покрышкин Д., 19 years old, Vancouver  |  Higher education
any schedule
No work experience, Энергичный и целеустремленный человек, ищущий работу для получения опыта. Стремящийся к обучению и внесению вклада в быстро меняющейся среде.
19 October 2024
Siedina A., 21 years old, Calgary  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Vancouver, any schedule
Work experience: 1 year, Server, Cloud9 , Calgary. Education: Economic university , Economic , Kharkiv 2021 - 2024, Good evening! I have been in Canada for over a year now and have experience working as a barista and waiter. I’m currently in Calgary, but I’m already ready to move to Vancouver, as I’ve always dreamed of it. Having gained...
5 July 2024


Full name hidden, 25 years old, Dushanbe, TJ  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Courtenay, any schedule
Work experience: 9 mo., Worker, Flagma, Courtenay. Education: School 16 , Окончил школу , Dushanbe 2006 - 2017.
14 May 2024
Шивчик Т., 21 years old, Vancouver  |  Secondary education
any schedule
No work experience.
18 April 2024
Balabanova J., 47 years old, Beaumont (Alberta)  |  Higher education
looking for job in Kelowna, willing to relocate, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Belgorod State Agricultural Academy , Accountant - Auditor, Belgorod 1997 - 2003.
15 January 2024
Gladkyi A., 49 years old, Odessa, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Vancouver, Saskatoon, Toronto, Winnipeg, Quebec City..., any schedule
Work experience: 6 mo., CNC Machinist, CNH Industrial Poland, Łódź. 10 mo., CNC Machinist, PIMB, Poland, Lublin. 6 mo., CNC Machinist, Kuznia Polska, Poland, Katowice. 1 year, 3D Printing Technician, Telecommunication Technologies Ltd, Odesa, Ukraine, Odesa. 4 mo., CNC Machinist, Arpack Polska, Słubice. 5 mo., Operator of CNC machines,...
27 October 2023
Bobomuhamedov Mahmud Rahmadjonivich


Bobomuhamedov M., 39 years old, Tashkent, UZ  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Abbotsford, Ajax, Amherst, Airdrie, full time
No work experience. Education: Shkola, Stroyitel, Tashkent 2023 - 2023, Ya hachu rabotat v Kanade.
Bobomuhamedov Mahmud Rahmadjonivich
7 April 2023


  CA$ 2,500
Full name hidden, 24 years old, Burnaby  |  Vocational secondary
any schedule
Work experience: 4 mo., Production worker, Howard’s , Burnaby. 4 mo., Ice cream packaging, Amato Gelato , Vancouver, BC. 5 mo., Employee of the institution, KFS, Kharkiv ,UA. 7 mo., Restaurant worker, Macdonald’s, Kharkiv, UA. 11 mo., Supermarket worker, “Ukrainian”, Kharkiv, UA. Education: College , Graphic designer , Kharkiv 2016 - 2019.
28 February 2023

Operator CNC

  CA$ 3,000
Shustikov M., 37 years old, Tbilisi, GE  |  Higher education
looking for job in Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, any schedule
Work experience: 9 mo., Operator CNC, In Metall , Salaspils. Education: Technical University , mining engineer , Dnipro 2007 - 2013, My name is Maxim Shustikov, I am 34 years old, I am an engineer from Ukraine. My wife Olga is an accountant. We came to Calgary together and we want to live in this beautiful city. I have a higher engineering...
7 February 2023
Jangibekov Shuhrat

Farm worker

  CA$ 4,500
Jangibekov S., 27 years old, Almaty, KZ  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Ottawa, Ottawa, Vancouver, Montreal, Burnaby, full time
Work experience: 3 years, Farm worker, Southern England Farms , Hayle. Education: ITMO University , Technological machines equipment , St.Petersburg 2015 - 2019.
Jangibekov Shuhrat
2 January 2023
Nazarova K., 28 years old, Gdańsk, PL  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Vancouver, full time
Work experience: 2 years, Office manager, Mrija, Gdańsk. Education: Wyższa Szkoła Administracji i Biznesu im. Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego, zarządzanie przedsiebiorstwem, Gdańsk 2018 - 2022, Опыт работы в офисе, опыт работы на складе, опыт работы на кухне и в сфере обслуживания office experience, warehouse experience, kitchen and service...
26 December 2022
Vasilenko D., 31 years old, Winnipeg  |  Higher education
looking for job in Winnipeg, Regina, Labrador City, Toronto, Quebec City..., full time
No work experience. Education: MGPU, Lawyer, Moscow 2013 - 2016, I am responsible, executive, hardworking, fair, honest, conscientious. I am fond of parrots, I want to start breeding parrots someday. My motto in life is "Everyone should get what they deserve".
26 December 2022
Maksymiv T., 43 years old, Lviv, UA  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, full time
No work experience. Education: College of Food and Processing Industry., Profession: Operation and repair. Specialty: Mechanical technician., Lviv ciry. Ukraine. 1996 - 2000, Worker on a farm of plants and flowers for medical and recreational purposes. Hello! My name is Taras. I'm from Ukraine, Lviv city. I am 40 years old. Strong physique....
12 August 2021
Guvanch M., 42 years old, Ashgabat, TM  |  Higher education
looking for job in Vancouver, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 11.5 years, Credit and Compliance Officer, National bank of Pakistan Ashgabat branch, Ashgabat. Education: Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, International economist, Ashgabat 1998 - 2002, • • Ability to work full-time & plus overtime. • Ability to adapt to new technologies, equipment &...
18 May 2021
Кривчиков Н., 53 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, any schedule
Work experience: 6 years, Pattern maker CAD Lectra, GOLDI, Kiev. Education: KTILP, pattern maker, Kiev 1988 - 1993, In 1993 finished the Kiev technological institute of fashion industry (daily form of educating). Speciality is a designer-technologist-pattern-maker. 24 years of productive experience on the enterprises of the mass sewing. In...
21 January 2021
Любинская Елена
Любинская Е., 34 years old, Sevastopol, UA  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Montreal, full time
Work experience: 10 mo., Sales manager, Alliance STS, Novosibirsk. 3 mo., Sales manager, Polymers, Novosibirsk. 1.5 years, Управляющий, Baldinini , Новосибирск. 3 mo., Мерчендайзер, Хлебпром» «Mirel, фабрика тортов Мирель» , Новосибирск. 2.5 years, Управляющий, "Карло Пазолини» , Новосибирск. 2 years, Управляющий, Famozi" Салон Итальянской...
Любинская Елена
12 March 2019
Пелинко Юрий Николаевич
Пелинко Ю., 46 years old, Kyiv, UA  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Vancouver, full time
Work experience: 8.5 years, Системный администратор, Интегра Сервис, Киев. 1.5 years, Системный администратор, Winncom Brain, Київ. Education: КИИГА, АСУ(автоматизированные системы управления), Київ 1996 - 1999, Целеустремленность, трудолюбие, надежность, быстрообучаемость.
Пелинко Юрий Николаевич
7 February 2017

Concrete finisher

  CA$ 3,000
Купорев А., 44 years old, Gomel, BY  |  Vocational secondary
looking for job in Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, full time
Work experience: 19 years, Формовщик, гомельский дск, Гомель. Education: пту 144, слесарь по ремонту автомобилей, Гомель 1996 - 1999, Good day . My name is Andrey Kuporev. I am 36 years old married have 2 sons 7 years and 3 years. 7 years worked as a mechanic for car repairs (engine) to the truck below 10 years in the house-building plant...
16 December 2016
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