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Resumes merchandiser in Alberta

2 resumes

Warehouse worker

  CA$ 18
Artomenko V., 29 years old, Berdyansk, UA  |  Incomplete higher education
looking for job in Calgary, any schedule
No work experience. Education: Berdyansk Economics and Humanities College of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, MerDistribution agent for non-food products. Merchandiser., Berdyansk 2012 - 2013, Quick learner, Quality-focused, Attentive, Disciplined, Goal-oriented, Friendly :).
3 December 2024
Kravets A., 22 years old, Calgary  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 8 mo., Clothing packaging, Zalando, Czech Republic. Education: Khersonsʹkyy Fakulʹtet Odesʹkoho Derzhavnoho Universitetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, lawyer, Kherson 2019 - 2022, I am 20 years old, I am from Ukraine. A very responsible and punctual person. I work well in a team. Ready to work in a different direction. I quickly perceive...
31 May 2023
In neighboring regions


Velmurugan A., 30 years old, Indian Trail, US  |  Higher education
looking for job in Montreal, any schedule
Work experience: 7 years, Merchandiser, Scm garments pvt ltd, Tirupur. Education: Bharathiyar university, B. Com(ca) , Coimbatore 2011 - 2014, Well played cricket and hotels dishwasher and former also I have living.
22 May 2024
Khalima I., 56 years old, Winnipeg  |  Vocational secondary
any schedule
Work experience: 4.5 years, Cleaner, Foam cleaning service, Bishkek. 2 years, Chef, School number 13, Bishkek. Education: Frunze cooperative technicim, Merchandiser , Bishkek 2019 - 2021. Arum cooking School , Chef, Bishkek 2019 - 2021, Cleaning lady with a lot of experience. Can work with a flexible schedule. Friendly and ready to clean any...
24 December 2023
Stetsenko A., 21 years old, Toronto  |  Incomplete higher education
full time
Work experience: 2 mo., Children Animator, Oslavy Slovensko, Banska Bystrica. 2 mo., Inventory Associate, Store Invent , Banska Bystrica. 3 years, Model, Baby Photo Star, Kyiv. 1 mo., Bartender/Waitress, Slovakian Restaurant, Banska Bystrica. Education: University of Mateja Bela, international relationship, Banska Bystrica 2021 - 2023.
14 October 2023
Rohatynchuk M., 48 years old, Mississauga  |  Higher education
looking for job in Mississauga, Mississauga, full time
Work experience: 1 year, Merchandise, PROMO CASH&CARRY, Kaunas. 7 mo., Різноробочий на виробництві, “AROMA”, KALISH. 17 years, Директор, МТКА « КАЛИНІВСЬКИЙ», Чернівці. Education: ЧТЕІ-КНТУ, «ОБЛІК І АУДИТ», ЧЕРНІВЦІ 2005 - 2010, Відповідальна, цілеспрямована, пунктуальна, уважна до деталей, подобається отримувати високий результат від...
4 April 2023


  CA$ 4,000
Кривчун К., 31 years old, Toronto  |  Higher education
any schedule
Work experience: 4.5 years, Офис-менеджер, ООО «Продукт- Сервис» , Мариуполь. 5 years, Мерчендайзер, ООО «Интэк», Москва. Education: Мариупольский государственный университет , Правоведение , Мариуполь 2010 - 2015.
13 February 2023
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