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Pasta in Canada

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We sell pasta of trade mark "Zodiac": "Zodiac", "Pasta Nizza", "Zodiac Extra".
$515/t EXW
The company "Zodiac" is one of the leading enterprises in East Ukraine. It is one of the regional leaders in the production of flour and pasta. For over 20 years we have been producing healthy and nutritious grain-based products. We take care of our customers' health and use only high quality local
7 Sep 2021
Looking for an investor
Looking for an investor to build a flour mill and pasta factory in Ukraine. The most favorable conditions, responsibility and integrity. The initiator of the project is a citizen of Ukraine, a specialist in the industry with extensive experience. There is an original concept of the project. The
5 Feb
Colloid mill 132
Colloid mill 132 - photo 1
Colloid mill 132 - photo 2
+1 photo
Colloid mill 132 - photo 3
$3,800/pc EXW
A new version of the machine for peanut butter production, that can be used to make all types of nut pastes / butters. To buy the peanut grinder or to request additional details, please contact us at: * The price is set for the basic version, without additional options. Power consumption options,
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24 Nov 2023
Bratt tilting pan
Price on request
Bratt tilting pan is designed for frying, braising of vegetables, meat, fish or poultry while continuously stirring, eliminating the possibility of burning or uneven heating. The device is suitable for cooking of meat, vegetable stew, pasta souces, risottos, jams and marmalades, sauces, syrups or
+1 ad
11 Aug 2023
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