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Pet services in Toronto

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Dog trainer, zoopsychologist, cynologist, animal behavior specialist
Dog trainer, zoopsychologist, cynologist, animal behavior specialist - photo 1
Dog trainer, zoopsychologist, cynologist, animal behavior specialist - photo 2
+12 photo
Dog trainer, zoopsychologist, cynologist, animal behavior specialist - photo 3
CA$ 70/hour
I offer the services of a zoopsychologist for training, education and socialization of dogs, as well as consultations on choosing a breed, choosing the best puppy from a litter and selecting breeding pairs, as well as maintenance, care, feeding and breeding. In Ukraine and Europe, I worked as a
+3 ads
14 Feb
Dog trainer, Dog whisperer, Dog behaviorist, zoopsychologist, animal behavior specialist
Dog trainer, Dog whisperer, Dog behaviorist, zoopsychologist, animal behavior specialist - photo 1
Dog trainer, Dog whisperer, Dog behaviorist, zoopsychologist, animal behavior specialist - photo 2
+12 photo
Dog trainer, Dog whisperer, Dog behaviorist, zoopsychologist, animal behavior specialist - photo 3
CA$ 70/hour
I offer Dog trainer, Dog whisperer, Dog behaviorist, zoopsychologist, animal behavior specialist services for training, education and socialization of dogs, as well as advice on breed selection, selection of the best puppy from the litter and selection of breeding pairs, as well as maintenance,
+3 ads
14 Feb
Dog trainer, zoopsychologist, dog whisperer, animal behaviorist, dog behavior specialist
Dog trainer, zoopsychologist, dog whisperer, animal behaviorist, dog behavior specialist - photo 1
Dog trainer, zoopsychologist, dog whisperer, animal behaviorist, dog behavior specialist - photo 2
+12 photo
Dog trainer, zoopsychologist, dog whisperer, animal behaviorist, dog behavior specialist - photo 3
CA$ 70/hour
I offer the services of a zoopsychologist for training, education and socialization of dogs, as well as consultations on choosing a breed, choosing the best puppy from a litter and selecting breeding pairs, as well as maintenance, care, feeding and breeding. In Ukraine and Europe he worked as an
+3 ads
14 Feb
Дрессировщик собак, зоопсихолог, кинолог, специалист по поведению животных
Дрессировщик собак, зоопсихолог, кинолог, специалист по поведению животных - photo 1
Дрессировщик собак, зоопсихолог, кинолог, специалист по поведению животных - photo 2
+12 photo
Дрессировщик собак, зоопсихолог, кинолог, специалист по поведению животных - photo 3
CA$ 70/hour
Предлагаю услуги зоопсихолога по дрессировке, воспитанию и социализации собак, а также консультации по выбору породы, выбору лучшего щенка из помета и подбору племенных пар, а также содержанию, уходу, кормлению и разведению. В Украине и в Европе работал как зоопсихолог (animal behaviorist) –
+3 ads
14 Feb
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