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Sealant in Oshawa

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In Oshawa no listings found for your request. Pay attention to ads in other cities.
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Sealant - two-component (polysulfide) for double-glazing glasses
Sealant - two-component (polysulfide) for double-glazing glasses - photo 1
Sealant - two-component (polysulfide) for double-glazing glasses - photo 2
+7 photo
Sealant - two-component (polysulfide) for double-glazing glasses - photo 3
1.85/l EXW  
wholesale €0.99-1/kg
Dear Sir/Madam This is Nazir from Tioseal company. We are turkish polysulfide sealant (Thiakol) manufacturer. We also provide solutions to our fully satisfied clients such as molecular sieve, butyl, hotmelt, silicone based paste, aluminium spacer bar and glass cork. Tioseal targets to be leader
21 May 2021
The camera of wood thermal treatment (thermomodified)
13,500/pc EXW  
wholesale €12,500-13,000/pc
Wood thermal treatment is accomplished in constant steam saturated environment without oxygen under high temperatures that are changed and kept for a certain time (170 - 220°С) without any chemical agents, preserving its natural pureness and beauty. The equipment price includes: the camera of
8 Oct 2024
In Canada
Sale of revitalizers, auto chemicals, additives
CA$ 83/pc EXW
Sale of revitalizers, auto chemicals, additives. Scope of application: Passenger cars, SUVs, trucks. Selection of goods for the task. Engine: Revitalizers, Metal conditioners, Oil system flushing, Oil system sealant, Piston ring decarbonization, Other products. Transmission: Revitalizers, Oil
2 Jan 2024
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