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Food processing equipment, other in Brampton

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Ads found within the radius of 530 km from Brampton
Wine filtration
Price on request
In the arsenal of our company there are several technologies for clarifying and filtering wine and wine materials: 1. Technology of tangential filtration CFM Wine. This is a unique equipment developed by our company’s specialists based on microfiltration membranes of our own production. An
+37 ads
2 Dec 2024
Tabletop Continuous Electric Fryer
Tabletop Continuous Electric Fryer - photo 1
Tabletop Continuous Electric Fryer - photo 2
Tabletop Continuous Electric Fryer - photo 3
Price on request
Compact tabletop fryer provides continuous frying of products by immersion in oil. In its functions and capabilities, it's comparable to an industrial conveyor deep fryer. The fryer is a working tank (bathtub), in which a universal conveyor with a food belt is placed and a guaranteed immersing the
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Compact Snack Continuous Baking Oven
Compact Snack Continuous Baking Oven - photo 1
Compact Snack Continuous Baking Oven - photo 2
+1 photo
Compact Snack Continuous Baking Oven - photo 3
Price on request
Our continuous oven is designed for excellent baking results on the smallest of base measurements. It’s a universal device that bakes perfectly and helps your snack business create faster service and delicious variety. We can also offer you the solution of compact falafel production line that
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Tempering machine for chocolate
Price on request
In stock !!! Turbo multi-zone tempering machine is used for tempering in a thin layer of glaze, chocolate, creams due to the formation of stable β-crystals of cocoa butter. The machine has the ability to process masses with solid inclusions. Temperature control The machine has 3 or 4 zones of
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Vacuum cutter
Price on request
The design of the ProfiCut plant consists of a working vessel mounted on the frame with pivoting supports. The operating bowl is equipped with a jacket for heating and cooling. Heating the product is also possible by by the direct steam injection. The integrated knife grinding head with direct
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Melting system
Price on request
The texturizer is equipped with a special heating grid located at the top part of the device in which heated water circulates. The honey that reaches the grid is heated and changes its viscosity to liquid and flows into the working vessel of the device. Working vessel is equipped with several
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Bratt tilting pan
Price on request
Bratt tilting pan is designed for frying, braising of vegetables, meat, fish or poultry while continuously stirring, eliminating the possibility of burning or uneven heating. The device is suitable for cooking of meat, vegetable stew, pasta souces, risottos, jams and marmalades, sauces, syrups or
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Technological line for production chips and french fries
Price on request
SnakPro Line is intended for producing chips or french fries and involves such processes as preliminary washing, whole potato washing, cleaning, slicing, frying. At the end of the process, you get ready-made chips prepared for packaging. Products are fried by complete immersion in hot oil. The
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Фильтрация вина
Price on request
В арсенале нашей компании есть несколько технологий для осветления и фильтрации вина и виноматериалов: 1. Технология тангенциальной фильтрации СFM Wine. Это уникальное оборудование, разработанное специалистами нашей компании на основе микрофильтрационных мембран собственного производства. Важной
+37 ads
2 Dec 2024
Vacuum evaporator sweetstuff
Price on request
Boiler for Turkish Delight refers to vacuumevaporation equipment of periodic action with electric heating for processing (mixing, dissolving, boiling, boiling, concentrating) products of different viscosity, equipped with a built-in condenser, a special form agitator, a discharge device and an
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Atmospheric cutter
Price on request
It is the ideal solution for medium-size production. Regulator ensures easy operation of Normit CUT 150 and allows natural management and tracking of all process parameters such as the temperature of the product, the speed and processing time. Adjustable, producing high-quality results, it can be
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Cooling conveyors
Price on request
The Normit series CAC air-cooling conveyors are designed for intensive cooling and removing (water, oil) of the products after frying, cooking or blanching, using air blown at an ambient temperature. The Normit CAC ambient air-cooling conveyors effectively reduce the product temperature (in most
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Tempering machine for chocolate
Price on request
Turbo multi-zone tempering machine is used for tempering in a thin layer of glaze, chocolate, creams due to the formation of stable β-crystals of cocoa butter. The machine has the ability to process masses with solid inclusions, the size of which does not exceed 10 mm. The machines have 3 or 4
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Technological line for yoghurt processing
Price on request
This universal homogenization device with a pasteurizer is designed for a wide range of food products, from liquid to highly viscous, with homogeneous structure or solid particles of up to 15 mm (or bigger on request). The equipment allows the following processes: cooking (at atmospheric pressure
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
The technological line for processing classic mayonnaise
Price on request
MayonnaisePro Line Normit Mayonnaise line is intended for effective processing of classic mayonnaise or processing and filling similar products. Mixing is a key stage in mayonnaise production. The part of Normit mayonnaise line is high- speed mixer that ensures perfect mixing. How it
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
Creaming honey machine
Price on request
The Normit CH plants are a universal high-performance system, which, thanks to its modular design and a wide range of options, can be used for producing cream honey, both in large as well as in small quantities, and regardless of the quality of the initial product. All versions of the Normit CH
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
In Canada
Evaporator concentrator-crystallizer
Price on request
Atmospheric evaporator-crystallizer is designed for evaporation of moisture from emulsions, solutions to obtain a crystalline form. Usually used for the crystallization of salt solutions. Provided for evaporation of brine and subsequent drying of salt crystals. The equipment is used in the food
+19 ads
11 Aug 2023
China small water jet cutting machine for stone glass metal
$25,000/pc EXW  
wholesale $24,000-25,000/pc
EAAK new design water jet cutting machine EK1020N is with compelte new color and new structure design, can save more space and works steady. Specification of EAAK CNC water jet cutting machine:(as follows) Model EK1020N X Y axis Working size 1000mm*2000mm Z working height 150mm Cutting
+6 ads
29 Jul 2022
Линия для мороженного на палочке
Линия для мороженного на палочке - photo 1
Линия для мороженного на палочке - photo 2
Линия для мороженного на палочке - photo 3
Линия для мороженного на палочке
14 Jun 2021
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