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Equipment in Kanata
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Woodworking equipment
Automatic machine feeders
Charcoal manufacturing equipment
Four-side woodworking machines
Gluing equipment
House construction equipment
Joinery manufacturing equipment
Logging and sawmill equipment
Optimized cross-cutting machines
Painting and coating equipment
Planed timber cladding machines
Timber lengthening equipment
Wood grinding machines
Wood impregnation machines
Wood pressing and clamping machines
Wood recycling equipment
Wood-drying equipment
Woodworking dust collectors
Woodworking machines
Woodworking equipment, other
...see all
Alternative energy
Alternative energy power plant spare parts
Alternative energy power plants
Biogas plants
Gas turbine power stations
Mini and micro - HPP
Solar energy systems
Wind turbines
Alternative energy, other
...see all
Auto service equipment
Alignment stands
Brake disc lathes
Car AC refilling equipment
Car part washers
Car service lifting equipment
Car technical fluid replacement units
Car tools
Car wash equipment
Electric vehicle chargers and battery chargers
Engine repair equipment
Hydraulic floor presses
Industrial furniture
Oil and grease change equipment
Painting and coating equipment
Straightening equipment
Tire repair equipment
Vehicle diagnostics and inspection equipment
Vehicle exhaust extraction equipment
Windshield repair and replacement equipment
Auto service equipment, other
...see all
Chemical equipment
Car chemical and household chemical manufacturing equipment
Charcoal manufacturing equipment
Chemical equipment accessories
Chemical reactors
Chemical reagent storage and transportation equipment
Fertilizer manufacturing equipment
Fuel manufacturing equipment
Galvanic plating equipment
Gas and gas mixture manufacturing equipment
Gas equipment
Oil and liquid cleaning equipment
Paint and lacquer manufacturing equipment
Pharmaceutical equipment
Plastics manufacturin and processing equipment
Polymer product manufacturing equipment
Rubber and rubber product manufacturing equipment
Chemical equipment, other
...see all
Commercial furniture
Army furniture
Bath and sauna furniture
Billiard room furniture
Cafe, bar, restaurant furniture
Changing room and cloakroom furniture
Commercial furniture spare parts and accessories
Hair stylist and beauty salon furniture
Hotel furniture
Industrial furniture
Industrial worker, builder furniture
Kindergarten daycare furniture
Laboratory furniture
Medical furniture
Office furniture
Retail space furniture
School and library furniture
Sectional chairs
Commercial furniture, other
...see all
Compressors and accessories
Compressor accessories and spare parts
Compressor stations
Ultra high pressure apparatus
Compressors and accessories, other
...see all
Construction equipment
Building material manufacturing equipment
Cabins, trailers
Concrete equipment
Construction carts, utility carts
Construction chutes
Construction equipment spare parts
Construction tools
Excavation machinery and equipment
Finishing equipment
Road construction equipment
Roofing and insulation equipment
Scaffolds, towers, formwork
Surveying equipment
Vibrators and vibration equipment
Construction equipment, other
...see all
Crane equipment
Crane motors
Crane remote control systems
Crane spare parts and accessories
Gripping devices
Lifting products
Winches, hoists, lifting tackles
Crane equipment, other
...see all
Electronics manufacturing and testing equipment
Cable assembly and harness manufacturing equipment
Electronics manufacturing equipment
Microelectronics and components testing equipment
Microelectronics manufacturing equipment
PCB Assembly Equipment
Electronics manufacturing and testing equipment, other
...see all
Fire equipment
Automatic fire extinguishing systems
Fire alarms
Fire connecting reinforcement and stop valves
Fire escape staircases
Fire extinguishers and fire control modules
Fire extinguishing sprinklers
Fire extinguishing supplies and hand tools
Fire fighting equipment spare parts
Fire hose cabinets
Fire hose maintenance equipment
Fire hose nozzles
Fire hoses
Fire hydrants, standpipes, supports
Fire points and stands
Fire safe structures and materials
Fire towers
Firefighting gear
Information boards and safety signs
Lightning protection and grounding
Pumps and pumping equipment
Water-foam equipment
Fire equipment, other
...see all
Food equipment
Bakery and confectionery equipment
Bar equipment
Beverage processing equipment
Brewing equipment
Canning equipment
Commercial dishwashers
Electromechanical equipment
Fast food and street vendor equipment
Fish and seafood processing equipment
Flour-grinding and cereal-grinding equipment
Food equipment accessories
Hygiene stations
Meat processing equipment
Milk processing equipment
Neutral equipment
Oil and starch and syrup production equipment
Pasta production equipment
Restaurant-, cafe-, bar professional cookware
Semi-finished product manufacturing equipment
Thermal processing equipment
Vegetable and fruit processing equipment
Food processing equipment, other
...see all
Gas station and petroleum depot equipment
Filling stations (gas stations)
Fuel dispensers
Fuel-dispensing equipment spare parts
Gas equipment
Gas station and petroleum depot equipment spare parts
Mini oil refinery stations
Oil drain and oil filling devices
Oil tanks and containers
Gas station and petroleum depot equipment, other
...see all
Glass processing equipment
Edge and facet processing equipment
Glass cutting equipment
Glass drilling and milling equipment
Glass fusion and moulding furnaces
Glass painting and printing equipment
Glass processing equipment spare parts
Glass tempering equipment
Glass washing equipment
Insulated glazing unit production equipment
Glass processing equipment, other
...see all
Heat transfer equipment
Heat exchange equipment spare parts
Heat exchangers
Industrial refrigerators
Heat exchange equipment, other
...see all
Industrial 3D-printers and 3D scanners
3D-printing supplies
Industrial 3D printers
Industrial 3D-scanners
Industrial air cleaning equipment
Dust collectors, cyclone filters, dust collection systems
Industrial air cleaners
Industrial air ozonation systems
Industrial air purification filters
Industrial dehumidifiers
Industrial hoses and sleeves
Industrial humidifiers
Industrial ionizers, air re-circulators
Industrial air cleaning equipment, other
...see all
Industrial filters and filter materials
Filter materials and fillers
Industrial air purification filters
Water purification industrial filters
Industrial filters and filter materials, other
...see all
Industrial heating equipment and water heaters
Boiler furnaces
Boiler plants
Heat points
Heat pumps
Industrial boilers
Industrial chimneys
Industrial heat generators, steam generators
Industrial heating equipment and water heater component parts
Industrial heating registers
Industrial water heaters
Industrial heating equipment and water heaters, other
...see all
Jewelry equipment and tools
Jewelry equipment and machines
Jewelry scales
Jewelry tools
Jewelry equipment and tools, other
...see all
Laboratory equipment
Chemical reactors
Chromatographic equipment
Climate chambers for plant growth
Dairy laboratory equipment
Dewar Vessels
Drug testing equipment
Electrotechnical laboratories
Glass tubes
Grain laboratory equipment
Heating mantles
Laboratory analyzers
Laboratory centrifuges
Laboratory drying chambers
Laboratory furnaces
Laboratory furniture
Laboratory glassware
Laboratory heating plates
Laboratory mills
Laboratory racks, clamps
Laboratory scales
Laboratory shakers
Laboratory sieves
Laboratory stirrers
Laboratory thermostats
Laboratory water baths
Medical analysers
Medical and laboratory refrigerators
Microbiology laboratory equipment
Petroleum product testing equipment
Pipet dispensers
Road and construction laboratory equipment
Test equipment
Laboratory equipment, other
...see all
Lift equipment, lifts
Cable cars
Escalators, moving walkways
Lift equipment spare parts
Lifting equipment
Reinforced concrete elevator shafts
Lift equipment, other
...see all
Light industry equipment
Bumping machines
Carpet and upholstery manufacturing equipment
Glove production equipment
Industrial sewing equipment
Leather production machinery
Leather-dressing equipment
Light industry equipment accessories
Rope-, cord manufacturing equipment
Shoe manufacturing and repair equipment
Textile machinery
Light industry equipment, other
...see all
Machine common parts and knots
Bearings and their component parts
Drive belts
Drive chain wheels
Gear wheels, racks, toothed bars
General purpose internal combustion engines
General purpose lubricating devices
Grinding pearls, technical beads
High pressure hoses
Hydraulic components
Industrial hoses and sleeves
Industrial wheels and rollers
Machine drive chains
Machine reducers
Pneumatic components
Quick release couplings
Rods, shafts, axes
Sealing gaskets
Shaft connection couplings and mechanisms
Springs, industrial plate springs
Vibration supports
Machine common parts and knots, other
...see all
Medical equipment and machinery
Anatomical pathological equipment
Cardio equipment
Dental equipment
Dermatological equipment
Diagnostic medical equipment
Disability supplies
ENT equipment
Home medical equipment
Immobilization equipment
Immunohistochemistry and histology equipment
Massage equipment, massagers
Medical and laboratory refrigerators
Medical baths
Medical equipment spare parts
Medical equipment supplies
Medical furniture
Medical staff call buttons
Medical supplies and consumables
Medical supplies and instruments
Obstetrics and gynecology equipment
Ophthalmic equipment
Orthopedic supplies
Oxygen medical equipment
Pharmacy robots
Physical therapy equipment
Sterilization equipment
Surgical and intensive care equipment
Urological equipment
Veterinary equipment, instruments and supplies
Vision care products
Medical equipment and machinery, other
...see all
Metallurgical equipment
Agglomeration equipment
Blast-furnace equipment
Coke production machinery and equipment
Ferroalloy equipment
Metal casting equipment
Metal rolling equipment and rolls
Metallurgical equipment accessories and parts
Metallurgical equipment, other
...see all
Metalworking equipment
Air duct production equipment
Bending equipment
Boring machines
Broaching machines
Forging hammers
Forging machines
Gear cutting machines
Guillotine shears, press shears
Honing equipment
Laser cutting and engraving equipment
Machine tool attachments
Metal band saws and rotary saws
Metal bar machines
Metal cutting machines
Metal drilling machines
Metal grinding machines
Metal lathes
Metal milling machines
Metal milling-engraving machines
Metal planing and slotting machines
Metal scrap processing equipment
Metal working presses
Metalworking machine spare parts
Nail-making machines
Pipe-cutting machines
Plasma cutting and welding equipment
Rolled steel cutting and processing lines
Sliding head automatic lathes
Spark erosion equipment
Thread tapping machines
Tool grinding equipment
Waterjet cutting equipment
Wire bending and processing equipment
Wire mesh production equipment
Metalworking equipment, other
...see all
Mining equipment
Crushing and grading complexes
Crushing and grinding equipment
Graders, scrapers
Magnetic separators
Mine machinery
Mine transport
Mineral processing equipment
Mining equipment spare parts
Mining life support system
Screens, vibrating sieves
Slush pumps
Tunneling machines and complexes
Underground mobile mining machines
Mining equipment, other
...see all
Oil and gas production equipment
Drilling equipment
Geology prospecting equipment
Oil and gas equipment spare parts
Oil and gas extraction geophysical equipment
Oil equipment
Wellhead equipment
Oil and gas production equipment, other
...see all
Packaging and filling equipment
Bag making machines
Banding machines
Filling and bottle capping equipment
Filling equipment
Marking and labelling equipment
PET blow molding machines
Packaging equipment
Packing and filling equipment accessories
Sealing equipment
Thermal packaging equipment
Packaging and filling machines, other
...see all
Painting and coating equipment
Coating booths
Curtain coating painting machines
Infrared dryers
Metal deposition systems
Painting equipment spare parts
Painting preparation stations
Painting-drying chambers
Spray guns
Spray-painting devices
Painting and coating equipment, other
...see all
Pressure vessel equipment
Agitator apparatus
Bulk-capacity apparatus
Deaerator tanks
Fertilizer tanks and storage containers
Food industry tanks and containers
Oil tanks and containers
Thermal accumulators
Toxic substance containers
Water tanks and containers
Pressure vessel equipment, other
...see all
Printing equipment, printing materials
Book restoration equipment
Cartridge cleaning and refilling machines
Color control technology
Finishing machinery
Photoceramics equipment
Prepress equipment
Printing consumables
Printing equipment
Printing equipment spare parts
Printing press equipment, other
...see all
Pulp, paper and cardboard manufacturing equipment
Cardboard, corrugated cardboard manufacturing equipment
Cellulose manufacturing equipment
Paper and paper product manufacturing equipment
Pulp-and-paper equipment accessories
Roll feed label and flexible packaging production equipment
Sanitary and hygienic product manufacturing equipment
Waste paper processing equipment
Pulp, paper and cardboard manufacturing equipment , other
...see all
Pumps and pumping equipment
High pressure units
Household purpose pumps
Industrial purpose pumps
Motor pumps
Pump and pumping equipment spare parts
Pump units
Pumping stations
Pumps and pumping equipment, other
...see all
Railway equipment
Depot, station equipment and spare parts
Equipment for construction and repair of Railways
Equipment for repair of railway transport
Railway overhead wiring and aerial power lines
Railway signs
Railway transport signaling devices, interlocking boxes, blocking units
Roadway machines, platelayer trucks
Track instruments
Train test equipment
Railway equipment, other
...see all
Recyclable material and waste sorting and recycling equipment
Animal waste processing equipment
Glass recycling equipment
Metal scrap processing equipment
Polyethylene and plastic processing equipment
Tire processing equipment
Waste paper processing equipment
Waste sorting equipment
Secondary raw material sorting and recycling equipment, other
...see all
Refrigeration equipment
Commercial refrigeration equipment
Cryogenic equipment
Doors for prefabricated coolers and freezers
Freons, chladones
Industrial refrigeration condensers
Medical and laboratory refrigerators
Prefabricated coolers and freezers
Refrigerating equipment
Refrigeration equipment spare parts and accessories
Refrigeration monoblocks
Refrigeration split systems
Refrigeration units
Shock freezing equipment
Refrigeration equipment, other
...see all
Retail equipment
Anti-theft systems and sensors
Banknote detectors
Bar code equipment
Cash registers
Catering equipment and supplies
Commercial equipment and accessories
Commercial equipment spare parts
Commercial refrigeration equipment
Fast food and street vendor equipment
Marking supplies
POS equipment
People counters
Receipt printers
Retail scales
Retail space furniture
Vending kiosks, vendor umbrellas, concession stands
Vending machines
Retail equipment, other
...see all
Service equipment and supplies
Advertising and exhibition equipment
Bank equipment
Bath, sauna, steam room equipment
Beauty salon and hair stylist equipment
Billiard equipment
Bowling equipment and supplies
Cleaning equipment
Coffee vending machines
Disco and club equipment
Equipment and supplies for go-kart racing
Laundry and dry cleaner equipment
Parking meters
Playground equipment, attractions
Sanitary equipment
Service vending machines
Stage structures, decorations, props
Theater and cinema equipment
Training equipment
Vending machines
Service equipment and goods, other
...see all
Stone processing equipment
Stone bending machines
Stone cutting machines
Stone drilling machines
Stone edge-milling machines
Stone heat treatment equipment
Stone milling and engraving-milling machines
Stone polishing and grinding machines
Stone splitting machines
Stone-processing lines and centers
Waterjet cutting equipment
Stone processing equipment, other
...see all
Technological equipment
Blast cleaning equipment
Briquetting and granulation equipment
Conveyors, carriers, bucket chains
Industrial autoclaves
Industrial drying units
Industrial robots
Laser cutting and engraving equipment
Material cutting and winding equipment
Muffle furnaces
Operator panel
Pipeline cleaning and diagnostic equipment
Plasma cutting and welding equipment
Production lines
Tumbling equipment
Waterjet cutting equipment
Technological equipment, other
...see all
AC-, refrigerator installation and maintenance tools
Agricultural and gardening tools
Car tools
Construction tools
Electric power tools
Hand tools
Hydraulic tools
Machine tool attachments
Measurement and calibration tools
Pneumatic tools
Tool boxes, bags, cases
Tool harnesses
Tool kits
Tool spare parts and components
Track instruments
Tools, other
...see all
Traffic management equipment
Barrier railings
Bike racks
Boom barriers
Button lights
Cable runway signs
Danger markings and signs
De-icing materials
Guard rails
Parking equipment
Road blockers
Road signs
Road supports
Traffic lights, indicator lights
Traffic security mirrors
Traffic sign panels
Traffic management equipment, other
...see all
Ventilation and air-conditioning systems
Air diffuser
Air ducts and mounting elements
Air handling units
Air tanks
Exhaust fans
Fan coil units
Industrial air conditioners
Industrial air heaters
Industrial air purification filters
Industrial air recuperators
Industrial fans
Ventilation air coolers
Ventilation air dampers and valves
Ventilation grilles
Ventilation noise absorbers
Ventilation spare parts and accessories
Ventilation and air-conditioning systems, other
...see all
Warehouse equipment
Automatic storage systems
Handling equipment
Leveling jacks
Lifting tables and platforms
PVC curtains
Pallet stretch wrapping machines
Warehouse equipment spare parts
Warehouse ladders
Warehouse racks
Warehouse storage systems
Warehousing machinery
Winches, hoists, lifting tackles
Storage equipment, other
...see all
Equipment, other
Popular sections
Woodworking equipment, other
See also
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