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Niagara Falls

Cereal crops, bean cultures, oilseeds, other in Niagara Falls

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Ads found within the radius of 80 km from Niagara Falls
Price on request
LTD “Agro-Alliance”, founded in 2010, is one of the leading Ukrainian group for exports of grains, oilseeds and their derivatives. We suggest the delivery of all kinds of grains, oilseeds and their derivatives to any place of the world on conditions: CPT, DAP, CIF, FOB, CFR. We are constantly
4 Jun 2018
We sell flax light 1000 tons
Price on request
We sell flax light 1000 tons on terms FAS, FOB, FCA. Quality: humidity-7%, weed impurity-1%, oil impurities-1%, oil yield not less than 41%. Wholesale price is 550 dollars. The minimum volume is 22 tons. The harvest of 2018. Sincerely, Vladimir viber, whatsapp
8 May 2018
Зерно - пшеница, кукуруза, ячмень, просо, овес, рожь | Grain
Price on request
Grain - wheat, corn, barley, millet, oats, rye in bulk, we sell from Ukraine with delivery to your country. Indicators: Wheat Moisture 12, gluten 24, weediness 0.5, 0.4, and up to 2 Corn Moisture up to 14.5, weed up to 2.5. Quality is better, we are ready to offer. Years 2017, 2018, 2019. You can
+11 ads
14 Jun 2021
Price on request
Предлагаем на експорт: злаковые, бобовые и маслянистые культуры, семена бобовых и злаковых трав
6 Oct 2020
Ячмень, Кукуруза
Wholesale price
$177-179/t FOB
Кукуруза цена 177-179$ за тонну Ячмень цена 247-249$ за тонну Для заказа нужно ICPO+BCL, Возможно CIF
23 Apr 2019
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