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Resume from 6 February 2023

Грузчик-комплектовщик, строитель in St. John's

I am looking for a job in St. John's, willing to relocate, CA$ 15, full time
Койдан Сергей Васильевич
Койдан Сергей Васильевич 38 years old, Wrocław, Poland, secondary education
Койдан Сергей Васильевич
Койдан Сергей Васильевич
Private person
Say, that you found an ad on Flagma
Safety rules: Do not agree to prepayment if you are not sure about the reliability of the user.

Work experience

Pracovnik budovu
2 years 8 mo. Jun 2020 - Jan 2023
Vicol, Wrocław
2 years 8 mo. Jun 2020 - Jan 2023


English - basic

Additional information

Коммуникабелен. Общителен. Обучаем!
-Вижу цель-не вижу препятствий

Resume number: 700
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Койдан Сергей Васильевич Private person
Грузчик-комплектовщик, строитель
Resume ID: 700
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