Business of Canada sells on
Who are we - service of business ads №1 in Canada. The base of the site has more than 3.5 millions ads and is updated monthly with more than 500 thousand new offers. The site is one of the top popular resources among entrepreneurs.
Flagma offers a fast way to buy, sell products and services in different countries by posting classified ads. Every month, thousands of entrepreneurs in Canada use our business portal to sell and buy industrial products, including equipment, raw materials and manufactured goods, cars and special equipment, real estate and services. Flagma is represented in more than 53 countries around the world.
Audience and statistics
Audience: *
- 92% of visitors come from Canada
- Visitor views more than 3 pages on average
- Age of users: the main group of users is 25–54 years old, men - 66%, women - 34%
* metrics from Google Analytics are used
Statistics: *
- Coverage - over 1.7 million unique users per month
- Page views - over 9 million per month
- Daily audience - more than 90 thousand users
- More than 54% of users visit the site from smartphones
Best channels
Device types
* metrics from Google Analytics are used
Banner placement options
We offer various options and places for placing banners on Flagma.